Fifty-Six - Broken. So Broken.

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Broken. So Broken.


“I’ve watched uproars about people who make racist comments or anti-gay comments. I’ve watched those people attacked, and I’ve seen them lose their job, and I’ve watched big corporations turn their backs on them, and on and on, and yet, when those bigots treat women like crap, I’ve seen nothing happen,” another non-refundable in the coatroom is heard by Catherine. “When it’s women that those men treat like slaves, and not black people, and when it’s women who are demeaned, and not gay men, that’s just fine. So, an old racist fool is dragged through the mud, but as to the fact that he had a much younger girlfriend, and that he was cheating on his wife, no one said a thing about how destructive that sexist behaviour was, and how bad of an influence it was on kids growing up to see and to hear about it on the news, like people did about his racist words. Why not? Because the self-esteem of girls, of women, never matters, not like that of African-Americans and of gay people. So, there was no segment after segment on news networks about how unacceptable it is, in our modern society, that women are still seen as play toys, because, unfortunately, the one thing that most men of all races seem to agree upon is that women just are.

Oh, and racist, and sexist are bad words, but feminist isn’t, and how did women end up with a pejorative ‘ist’ word to describe standing up for the wellbeing of all girls and women?

Anyway, the thing is that people do snap, and just wait until women start snapping left and right in the male way -- after being groomed and manipulated into thinking and being male -- and no longer in the female way, which is to talk things through, to try to reason, to try to make one’s side seen and understood, and so, to use words, mostly. Lots and lots of words . . . ”

Catherine’s own odd desire to smash this or that someone’s head against a wall quickly fills her mind, before her sending a hand to her crotch and then directing it and some of Tristan’s deposit upon it towards a woman’s face is revisited as another something  that was most unlike her to do.

“Plus, have men given any thought to the fact that softness and comfort will be hard to come by in hospitals and in nursing homes when kids grow up after being raised in the non-empathetic, me-my/a-dick-and-I male way? Young men are already revealing through their cold words that they can’t put themselves in someone else’s shoes after being raised as cacti, with all those little prickly hard-ons the only things to be seen, and so, all those grown kids, whether male or female, will have something better to do with their time than taking care of pathetic, old dad, and so, they’ll get away from him altogether to do what they want, just like he did when he made no sacrifices for them, when he was all about himself. Because what goes around comes around, and selfishness can only beget any parent selfishness in return, whether mom or dad.

Empathy. It’s hinted at in a girl’s room, or in a single woman’s apartment, since photos of beloved male personalities display the men dressed and often photographed from the shoulders up, or waist up. Whereas non-empathy is revealed in a boy’s room, or in a single man’s apartment, where cleavage-popping or bikini-clad or naked, no-known-personality women are on posters on the walls, just bodies, objects to ogle, to get off to. And need I mention blow-up dolls?

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