Chapter 15

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"My Plan Is To Forgive & Forget, Forgive myself for being stupid & forget you ever existed"

-By Anonymous

Louis's pov

Niall asked me the question and I look down, Sophie and Harry heard the silence in the room and stopped talking too. They looked embarrassed from getting caught up in their own little world.

"Well what happened was, I hurt Daphne's feelings, I made her feel like she was the bad guy again. I want to apol-" he was cut short by running coming over to the kitchen. I see a little boy with a slightly angry face he looks over scanning everyone's faces. He looks at Lily, then at Sophie, there is a tear coming down his face. I look at the book in his hands. Why was he crying? He walks slowly over to me, and he says softly voice so broken, I feel so awful.

"Why...why did you hurt daphne's Feelings, Four was with me and she-they don't deserve the treatment you are giving them. Daphne isn't mean or scary she is nice, brave, caring, she is also very sassy, but protective like Four." He said.

I look at him this kid couldn't be older than five yet he is defending them...from me. He points to the girls and says "Four, Lily, Daphne, Tinkerbell, and Sophie rescued me when I was alone Four reads me stories, and she taught me a few things too like how to read and-" he cut himself short with a few tears coming down "she helps me with my nightmares, and Daphne is always there to make me laugh when I feel sad." the boys have a look on their face pretty much saying that I am an ass right now.

He looks up again "Your the reason why my hero and my mom is hurting right now!"

I look at him confused "Daphne is you mo-"

Sophie cut me off and explained she also called Rufio over to go and sit in her lap. He did so and leaned on her shoulder, it wasn't long till he fell asleep. Sophie said "It isn't what you think, Rufio considers Four as his mom, considering the fact he didn't have the best parents when we found him. I remember when we did it-you wouldn't want to hear it none of you are in the mental state to hear such since you already think you are going insane, don't judge people before you know them because they could be the exact opposite of what you expect." I look at Sophie "Well I can't, a pirate who killed so many is my soulmate, she helped in kidnapping others to this place yeah I think I have a right to be in a not so okay mental state, but not only that I don't believe the bullshit you are telling us. Don't tell me not to judge cause that is all I have right now, I don't care if I have to take it up with Four-

"Take what up with me?"

Four's pov

I decided Daphne had enough of my quiet comfort, there wasn't much I could do except leave her be for a little, I didn't want to feel as if she was being smothered. I decided to go where I told Rufio to go, my room. I didn't want him to see Daphne in this time, he would go ballistic trying to see who caused the problem it would be adorable to see him try to fight the boy who did this and see him win, but it isn't the way I want him to handle things. I go in my room to see that he isn't there, I go around the tree house searching for the small boy when I realize he went to the kitchen where the rest of the...people are. I walk into the kitchen and I hear Louis talking about my friends in a very distasteful manner.

"...I don't care if I have to take it up with four!"

"Take what up with me?" I question Louis in a challenging glare.

I take off my hood and let it fall to the ground letting him see all my weapons around my waist, I hope he notices the dagger I stashed in my boot.

"Well go on now don't let my presence keep you from your rant, what is it you were going to tell my friends, why is it that you think you can so easily insult them, clearly you don't get it, we rescued you all we ask is that you don't act like an ass"

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