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"Michael,now I have to read yours." Kaerio reaches out his hand with aserious face. Michael sighs and grabs it.

Bothboys give each other a serious tense look, both looking mesmerizing.Kaerio with deep navy blue eyes and also navy hair but with purpletips. His face sharp and chiseled, but hidden behind the wildness ofhis wavy hair. His muscular body showing through the clothes myfather gave him. Then Michael, neat blonde hair and blinding blueeyes, his features much softer than Kaerio's, yet still sharp. Hismuscles strong and large, but not as prominent through the syntheticfabric. They both awaken my curiosity.

Kaeriocloses his narrow eyes and focuses. He looks like he's meditating.After a while he opens his eyes. "Your power is weather prediction.You can make money as a presenter!" All of us look at him indisbelief, and he cracks up laughing. "Just joking. You have thepower of illusion and speed, quite handy. Looks like you can performthe Moon Ritual too."

Weall start laughing, but Michael doesn't seem so amused. "What isthe Moon Ritual?"

"Theritual is performed during full moon by someone given the gift towield the magic of the moon, its power is then spread out between thewielder's close ones, who are mermaids of course." Kaerio answers,looking at Michael with an unreadable expression.

Duringmoments, I can understand him so easily, but during others, not atall, he's peculiar. With Michael, I know him so well, that I knowwhat he thinks without looking at him, at times it's monotonous.

Weall decide it's best to finish for today. We give Tanya and Melissalifts to their homes. "Michael, do you wish to go home or do youwant to stay with us to research?" my dad proposes.


Therest of the car ride is silent, whilst me and Michael hold hands,Kaerio giving me an occasional glance.

Weenter the house, and immediately walk into the living room, stillunglamoured. Before we left the beach we've all agreed it would be agood idea to try to find some sort of information about the PearlSword and the Moon Ritual.

Wespend hours in the hidden library (Seriously, how did I not realisesomething strange about this room?) but with no success. Just as it'sgetting dark, my mum comes into the room with sandwiches. "Thoughtyou'd all be hungry." she says. Realizing that we were so focusedthat we didn't realize we're absolutely starving, we all run forthem. Thinking about which to choose, I finally just go for myfavourite, Nutella. She didn't make the kind of sandwiches where twoslices of bread were stuck together. The filling wasn't covered bythe second slice of bread, so that the bread didn't overpower theflavour. I bite into my sandwich, sighing satisfingly.

Weate all the sandwiches whilst continuing the research. Just as Iswallow, I realise I found something.

"Kaerio!Michael! Dad! I think I found something." They all run towards me.

"Whatdid you find?"

"Here,"I point towards the line before I start reading it out loud. "ThePearl Sword was given to Rava by Poseidon to protect her kind, duringa war with traitors who wanted to overpower her. Poseidon could notfight himself, since he is a God. Instead, however, he gifted Ravawith a powerful sword made purely from pearls and magic. It isbelieved that it is supposed to grant Rava and her embodimentstriumph. The sword hasn't been seen since that war, and its locationhas been coded with this poem:

Whereit's dark as night, and bright as day,

ThePearl Sword is hidden away,

Atthe most beautiful bay,

Deepunderwater it is locked away,

Witha special gift they array,

Ina chest faraway."

"Whatthe hell does it mean?" Michael asks.

"It'sdescribing the Pearl Sword's location." Kaerio declares "Learnto interpret things, many things given in the mermaid realm aren'tclear." Michael looks at me, embarassed. Blushing hard, I saynothing and look away.

"So,"I say after a while "dark as night, and bright as day, Whatcould it mean?"

"Maybe,a place that is either dark or bright, depending on the earth'sposition?" Michael suggests hopefully.

"No.The second line says the sword is at bay. The isn't such a placeanywhere near a bay on a bay." Kaerio disagreed.

"Whatabout a hidden cave, with the moon crystals? That would explain whyit's dark, but still bright." I consider.

"Goodidea," my dad begins "I'll check it out tomorrow. Now, Michael gohome and rest. Same for you two." he looks over at me and Kaerio.

Michaelnods at my father, and I escort him to the door obediently. "Becareful, Neria. I don't trust that guy."

Hekisses me on the cheek and leaves as I close the door. I quicklyforget what he said.

Iget back into the living room, seeing it has been glamoredeverything. "Mother and I are going to sleep. When Kaerio getstired lead him to the guet bedroom." I nod agreeingly, looking atthem until they leave. I turn to Kaerio.

"I'mdefinitely not tired, and you don't look tired either. Do you knowwhat that means?" I ask with a cheshire cat grin on my face, whichseems to startle him and make him blush. I laugh quite loudly "Itmeans a movie marathon!" he's clearly puzzled.

"What'sa movie?" he asks

"Youseriously don't what a movie is?" I look at him in shock "It'swhen different people play out a role in a story that is recorded andput together to make a whole. You'll get it once you watch one." Ireach out for the stack of DVDs on the side of the tv. I pick out myfavourite, Pretty Woman, wondering what'd he think.

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