15. The Easter Egg Hunt

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It was a sunny morning in Toadtown and today was Easter. Toad's all over town greeted each other on such a jolly morning but In Andrea's Room. Max and Molly were listening to Andrea's idea for the Egg Hunt. They were planning to be sneaky and get most of the eggs this year.

Suddenly Andrea's mother called for them to go and they kids grabbed their baskets and shut the door. At the Peach Castle the gate was wide open and many toads came in with their young ones for the game.

Andrea quickly ran towards the startling line so she could spot eggs. Little did she know Zario was after the same eggs. Zario and his friend Tavi were hiding behind a bush and snickering.

"So Tavi I'm going to get the eggs on the top of the hill but I want you to get the eggs down by the orchard" said Zario.

"How am I supposed to get the eggs" said Tavi.

"You roll down hill like a barrel" said Zario.

Tavi looked down the steep hill and saw all the colorful eggs lining it. He shook his head and the loudspeaker in the front went off.

"The Children's Easter Egg Hunt is about to begin" said the loudspeaker.

At the starting line Andrea was waiting with her friends when Zario came up beside her. Andrea made a dirty look at him and Zario scoffed. At the Brick Path Toadette was eating but people kept staring at her so she decided to walk off and hide. She walked to the State Coach which Peach rode. She struggled in and hid under the seats and ate.

Peach arrived with a green flag and the toads stared at each other.

"GOOO" she screamed.

The toads stormed off and Andrea launched her basket and tripped Zario he screamed and went rolling down the hill. He screamed as he ran into Tavi and tripped him. Tavi grabbed on a metal pole. Suddenly the State Coach started moving from the flower display and down the hill.

Toads screamed and Peach gasped as the state coach was storming downhill. Inside Toadette was screaming as fabrics and tea sets crashed down from the luggage racks..

"HELP" screamed Toadette.

Guards started chasing the coach downhill and inside Toadette jumped as the coach hit the rock. Suddenly she saw a luggage rack crash down and she screamed. At the bottom of the hill Andrea was filling her basket when she saw the coach and she screamed.

The Coach stormed by and crashed into a tree at the stream Zario was picking eggs quickly.. When he spotted a Golden Egg and he ran towards it and suddenly Molly slid by and grabbed it-Zario screamed and launched towards her and snatched her basket. Molly ran after him and suddenly Tavi flew by chasing Max and Zario tripped and Easter eggs hit the lawn.

Molly snatched her basket back and picked up the eggs quickly. Down the hill Toadette smashed the door out and climbed out. She started walking up all dizzy when suddenly she tripped over a Toad grabbing an egg. Toadette sighed and stayed faceplanted. Meanwhile up the hill Andrea and Zario were racing really fast back before the siren rang.

Molly ran beside Zario when suddenly she tripped on the air and Zario screamed. Down the hill Tavi was running quickly after Max along with a mass group of little toads. Molly began to trip and suddenly fell on Zario and his and her easter eggs hit the yard and scattered. Max was leading the storm towards the finishing line when he slipped on egg and baskets and toads came crashing down.

"NOOOOO" screamed Max.

His basket crashed on the ground and Andrea had arrived to get her eggs checked first. Suddenly Zario ran with a basket of 2 eggs and tripped on a loose brick. The toads watching screamed and Andrea and her basket fell and eggs spelled and the alarm rung and the hunt was over.

"NO MY EGGS" she screamed!

"Oops Sorry" said Zario.

"And the winner is Andrea who collected a total of 3 eggs" screamed Peach!

Toad's cheered and Zario looked at Tavi upset and they hugged. Toadette then came from the hill all dirty and she smiled. It was just another day in Toadtown.

- Today is Easter and the temperatures are great anyway I hope you all have a great Easter. Toadtown episodes will come out every weekend this whole month!


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