3. Stuck With Them

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It was a cloudy morning in Toadtown and Toadette was shopping at Mushroom Mall one of the 2 malls in Toadsburg. She was with Birdo and Daisy enjoying the fresh mall air..

Mushroom Mall was rather big with 3 floors and 3 department stores. Currently The Group was shopping in PeachyPenney. One of the big department stores in the mall. Toadette was in a Fitting Room trying on a dress meanwhile outside a huge shadow was cast and a Toad looked up.

"BOWSER" screamed the Toad.

The Toad ran quickly in the mall and smashed the fire alarm but it was too late when suddenly a huge fireball exploded in the parking lot setting off fire alarms and then suddenly Bowser looked down at the Fuel Meter and it was almost on empty. He quickly flew away and dropped a Tiny Earthquake Shaker. Inside the fitting room Toadette saw as dust shook off the roof.

"What's going on" asked Toadette?

"I'm not sure" said Daisy.

"I'm scared" said Birdo.

Toadette came out as the store kept shaking and employees kept panicking. The Light fixtures shook and clothing racks fell over and Daisy dragged the girls in a fitting room. Inside the mall the Security Toad sounded the alarm and people ran out quickly as the doors were locked and door covers blocked the doors.

Suddenly the power went off and the shaking stopped.

"That was scary" said Toadette.

Daisy peeked the door open and saw the store was empty and damaged. They came out and Daisy walked to the door and tried to open it.

"Uh Oh I think we are trapped" said Daisy.

Birdo put her face in her hands and Toadette looked around at the creepy looking store area and wondered if it would get worse. Toadette leaned on a Toadette Manikin as it collapsed.

"Wait Girls that means we get the whole mall to ourselves" said Daisy.

Toadette smiled and soon the girls were going through the mall. Inside Melk. Birdo was storming the shoe section, While Daisy was in Billards at the Makeup section and Toadette was in PeachyPenney getting all the things she could get. The sun traveled over the mall and soon it was 10pm and Daisy and the girls met at the Food Court.

"That was great" said Toadette.

"Um why does it look creepy in here" said Birdo.

Daisy looked around at the Spooky Looking Mall and was worried.

"Um Lets Go Find a Bed" said Daisy

Daisy and the group walked in too PeachyPenney Spooked and went to the Bed Section and jumped on a king sized bed when her phone rung. It was Peach.


Peach - Come by the castle at 10pm for Dinner and a Chat

Daisy - Ok I'm At the Mall

*Flash Back Over*

"Uh Oh" said Daisy.

Daisy answered and her ear got blasted.


"In the Mall" said Daisy.


Toadette and Birdo looked at Daisy as her phone speaker crackled as Peach shouted. When suddenly in a flash of a second the roof caved in and debris trapped Daisy and her group in the bed section. Daisy tried calling but was ignored by Peach..

That morning Daisy woke up and the Mall was dark and empty and Daisy sighed and woke up Toadette. Birdo woke up and started crying she wanted to get home. Daisy was rather stressed when all of a sudden.

"BIRDO PLZ SHUT UP" said Daisy madly.

Toadette gasped and Birdo kept crying and Daisy put her head in a pillow when she found a Energy Bar in her Shorts pocket she gasped and was unwrapping it as quietly as possible when Toadette looked at her.

"What are you eating" said Toadette with a huge smile!

"Nothing" said Daisy hiding the partially unwrapped bar.

"I am hungry give me some" said Toadette..

Daisy screamed she tried to run and Toadette chased after her. Daisy ran in the small space with no exit and Toadette jumped on the beds and Birdo hid in the corner. Daisy then tripped and Toadette jumped as the energy bar flew high in the air and hit the wall Daisy gasped when Toadette disappeared. Daisy peeked in and looked down at Toadette who was in a display.

"Come on Birdo" said Daisy.

The girls climbed into the display as Toadette gobbled up the energy bar. Daisy was happy they were on the first floor.

"Come On Girls" said Daisy.

Daisy opened the door to go outside and saw the cloudy sky.


Toadette ran off and Daisy sighed It was just another adventure she guessed.

I Hope Everyone Enjoyed This Episode. I'm sorry for not updating and I hope this Episode made up for the short break. I am planning Future Episodes and also the 50th Episode Halfway to 100!!! I honestly can't believe Toadtown has made it so far and I am so blessed to have everyone still reading! Plz Vote and Comment THX! 

- Mariofanandwriter

Toadtown Season 3Where stories live. Discover now