Chapter 1

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Thank you so much for choosing to read my story!!! It really means a lot to me!

This will be a short-ish story, but I hope you like it!  Without further ado.... We have some Nalu ;)

—— 🌌StarGazer🌌

Lucy's Point of View

"Oy, Luce!  Let's go on a job together!" Natsu cheered, approaching me as I relaxed at a table in the Fairy Tail guild hall. 

It was a cool day in November and the guild seemed more relaxed than normal.  Many were out on jobs, and the request board was covered in requests.  So obviously, Natsu wanted a job. 

Happy followed closely behind Natsu and he greeted me with a smile.

"What kind of job are we talking about here?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Anything ya want," Natsu replied chuckling.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my seat, dragging me to the job request board.  I couldn't help but notice how his warm hand tightly gripped mine.  Suddenly, I felt a certain fuzziness, like butterflies in my stomach. 

"N-Natsu, what are you doing?" I stuttered nervously.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm taking you to the job board!"

"Oh," I whispered, shyly running one hand through my hair.

After a bit of consideration, I finally picked a job and showed the request sheet to Natsu.  He read it quickly.

"They need us to find and retrieve a book?  That sounds simple enough," Natsu told me after reading the job request.  "Nice pick, Lucy."


"One thing.  I won't be able to go on this job with you.  I promised Carla and Lily I'd hang out with them in a few minutes," Happy explained, frowning slightly.

(A/N: Happy has to pay for those fishing supplies, am I right? lol)

"That's okay, Happy," I reassured him, patting his fluffy, blue head.

"Yeah, see ya around, buddy," Natsu smiled, waving at his exceed friend as he left.

"Wait, are we leaving now?" I questioned, my eyes widening as I took a step back.

"Yeah!" Natsu enthused, bouncing eagerly.

"But the job is from a guy in Crocus!  That's so far away," I whined.  "We'll have to take a night train to get there by tomorrow.  It's already getting late."

"I guess you're right," Natsu sighed. "That's okay! We can do it! Besides, the job pays well."

After debating and accepting the request, Natsu and I went our separate ways to pack. When in arrived at my house, I tidied it up because I was unsure about how long this job would take. I packed a few things Natsu and I would need, along with a few extra clothes.  I didn't want to bring a suitcase because that would be cumbersome and awkward. Instead, I stuffed my things into my backpack. After putting a few more things away, I grabbed my house keys and locked my door on the way out.

Natsu and I met up to buy dinner and took it to go.  Natsu ordered a lot of food, as usual, so he had some difficulty carrying all of it. We chatted as we walked along the sidewalk, greeting a few passerby. The walk to the train station was short, but I enjoyed speaking with Natsu on the way.

After arriving at the station and buying our tickets to Crocus, we ate our meal.  Naturally, my pink-haired companion scarfed down the entirety of his food before I finished mine.  As we waited for the train, Natsu asked a question.

"Lucy, do you know how long this job is going to take?  I was thinking maybe a day, but I'm not really sure."

"I'm not sure either, Natsu," I answered, chewing the last of my food.

"It should be simple enough," Natsu cheered, smiling at me.

"You're right, but we probably need some more information before we can start.

"How hard can it be?" Natsu asked rhetorically.  "We've gotten books for people before.  Remember that Sunset book?"

"Natsu, that turned out to be a complete mess!  And I'm pretty sure the book was called Daybreak," I corrected him.

"Whatever, tomato potato, am I right?" Natsu chuckled, nudging my shoulder jokingly.

"That's not even the saying, you idiot," I muttered, resting my face in my hand defeatedly. 

"C'mon Luce.  Lighten up a bit," Natsu reassured softly.  "This job will be fun.  I promise."

"If you say so," I chuckled sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

Suddenly, a voice over the station's loudspeaker began an announcement.

"Train 210, which will travel to Crocus, has just been cleared.  All previous passengers have exited the train and boarding will begin in approximately five minutes.  All passengers are advised to wait at the C entrance for boarding."

"Alright! That's us, Lucy!" Natsu cheered, hopping out of his seat like a child.

I trudged behind him, but his pace slowed as he realized what he was walking into.  He stopped in his tracks and looked at me with wide eyes and a frown. 

"Come on.  I'll help you through this," I sighed warily, giving him an exasperated smile.

"O-Okay," Natsu gulped, trudging forward.  I could tell he was already feeling his motion sickness.  As we boarded the train, Natsu gave me another look of dread. 

"Lucy, I feel sick," he choked, holding his stomach.

"It'll be okay, Natsu.  It'll be over before you know it," I comforted him with a soft smile.

"Can you hold my hand?" He asked shyly.  "I think it helps me calm down." 

"Of course Natsu," I replied shyly, holding out my hand.

"Thanks," he stuttered, reaching for my hand and holding it tightly.

His hand was warm and rough, but pleasant to hold.  I knew holding his hand didn't mean anything - I was just helping his motion sickness.  Even so, it felt calming to have our fingers intertwined.

Little Nalu moment there for ya ;) hope you enjoyed!! The next chapter will be out soon I promise!

I'm so glad it's summer! It's my favorite season😁

Just a little bit about me~ I love anime, art, fanfiction

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