Chapter 4

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If you are allergic to idiocy and dense bakas, please take caution while reading this chapter..... and ever having anything to do with Natsu Dragneel.

Okay, you guys are Fairy Tail fans... you're used to it by now  XD

My guess is that we have to get to the top," I told Natsu, pointing upwards at the skylight.

"Sounds good to me," he agreed easily.

Over the next few hours, Natsu and I looked through each doorway and investigated almost every path in the chamber, but they all either lead to a torturous death, a dead end, or back to the tall chamber with the different paths.  Natsu marked each path we had already investigated with a scorch mark, but it was hard to see in he faint moonlight.  We were becoming impatient as we finished searching the pathways.  As we finished the last one, I made a comment.

"How much did that guy say he was paying us again?"

"A lot," Natsu answered vaguely, causing me to let out a small laugh.  "Trust me, it'll be worth the trouble."

"You can't prove that," I challenged jokingly, shrugging my shoulders.

"Whatever," he sighed then changed the subject.  "Hey, Luce, did you see his wife?"

"Of course I did, she was in the room with us, idiot," I replied, smiling as I remembered the kind pregnant woman.  "I wonder what they're having."

"What?" Natsu echoed curiously.

"You heard me."

"Like, what they're having for dinner?" Natsu questioned, raising one eyebrow.  "Probably some good food.  Man, I'm hungry.  But she might wanna consider eating less or exercising."

"You're one to talk, Natsu!" I scolded him, furrowing my brow and frowning.  "That's no way to talk about a woman, especially considering how much you eat."

"I guess you're right."

"You're so dense.  She wasn't fat, Natsu," I told him annoyedly.

"What? Then what the heck was it?" He countered obliviously.

"Natsu, do you not recognize a pregnant woman when you see her?" I remarked, my eyes widening in disbelief.  I knew he was dense, but this dense? Seriously?!?

"She was pregnant?!? Why didn't you just say so? Heck, why didn't she just say so?" Natsu asked loudly.

"Wasn't it obvious enough?  And what did you expect her to say? 'Hi I'm not fat, I'm pregnant' Or 'Hey there, I have a baby growing inside of me, not that it wasn't already obvious'" I replied using air quotes.

"Well, yeah.  Then nobody would be confused," he responded as if that was a perfectly viable thing to say.

"What a dense idiot," I muttered to myself, rolling my eyes.

"I'm not deaf, Lucy," Natsu commented, pressing a hand to his chest and pretending to be hurt.

"Nice deduction, Sherlock.  I totally didn't know that," I replied sarcastically.  I was kinda done with his idiotic crap.

"Who's Sherlock?" Natsu inquired curiously. 

"Never mind.  Let's just find that book and get out of here."

Natsu nodded in agreement before asking where we should go.  Eventually, we decided to attempt to escape from the skylight.  Once we reached the top, we crawled out through the opening and breathed the fresh nighttime air. 

Suddenly, we heard a shriek from below us.

"Shit! What the hell was that?" Natsu asked frantically.

"I don't know but we should go somewhere else."

Natsu looked down and his eyes went owlish. I followed his gaze and saw a monster in the chamber beneath our feet.

"I'm all fired up!" Natsu announced before diving back down to fight the monster.


Natsu attacked the monster with several fire attacks, but they seemed to be ineffective. He needed help down there (get your mind out of the gutter you know what I meant). Reluctantly, I followed him and sent Leo the Lion to his aid.

After a few minutes, the monster had been destroyed and Leo returned to the celestial spirit world. Make no mistake, he did not forget to flirt with me, earning a yell or two and an eye roll from Natsu.

Eventually, we returned to the entrance chamber and found the exit closing. A cold draft began to blow throughout the Labyrinth, causing me to shiver.

"What the heck?!?"  Natsu screeched alarmingly, attacking the door with a great deal of magic.  The door didn't budge.

"We're stuck in here!" I told him.  "Mr. and Mrs. Wells told us that the doors are only open at night, remember?"

"Oh, right," Natsu sighed.  "I forgot."

"That means we'll have to wait until sunset to get outta here!" I whined.

"Oh well. At least we can sleep," Natsu yawned, passing out on the ground next to me.

Finally, I pulled a blanket out of my backpack and shared it with him, hoping to overcome the coldness in the labyrinth.

Brr! I'm glad Natsu is here.  I'd be freezing without him, I thought as I absorbed his warmth.  He was soothing warm, and calm, so I fell asleep rather quickly even though it was chilly.



And wow, Natsu, such a Baka. An adorable Baka, but nonetheless still a Baka.  *cough* Lucy's Baka *cough*

Erm, excuse me I seem to have a cold.

Sorry if parts of this story are kinda weird or awkward... it is a Fairy Tail fanfic after all   XD

That's all I can blab about for now, so see ya in the next update! Love ya!


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