Chapter 10

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When we finally arrived back at the Wells' residence, my injured ankle was incredibly sore. Despite Natsu carrying me most of the way, it still hurt when he placed me down on the doorstep.

"Do you need me to hold you?" He asked, resting his hand on my back.

"I'll be okay."

"Okay," he replied, knocking on the large door in front of us.

Mr. Wells answered the door with a smile and invited us inside.

"So, how did the ruins treat you?" He asked curiously.

I felt Natsu grab my hand to reassure me. He held it softly, rubbing his thumb against the back of my hand.

"A bit roughly, but we got the job done. Here," I answered, handing him the book with my free hand.

"Thank you so much! I'm surprised the job took such a short period of time," he cheered. "I'll pay you extra for getting it done so quickly."

"Thank you!" Natsu and I spoke in unison when he paid us. Mr. Wells shook my hand and then Natsu's.

"Pleasure doing business with you," Mr. Wells said as he shook Natsu's hand.

"Likewise," Natsu replied with his signature smile.

Suddenly, we heard a baby crying in the background.

"Your turn!" We heard Mrs. Wells shout from the kitchen.

"Honey, please," Mr. Wells attempted to negotiate.

"Who carried this child for nine months?"

"Yes, Dear," Mr. Wells replied, leaving the room to tend to their newborn baby.

"I guess they had the kid," Natsu whispered, causing me to giggle.

A few seconds later, Mrs. Wells stepped out and greeted us warmly, offering us breakfast. We gladly accepted.

After a nice breakfast and a long conversation with the couple, Mrs. Wells introduced us to their newborn daughter.

"She's beautiful!" I cheered, holding her hand.

"What a sweet little baby," Natsu agreed, playing with her feet and causing her to coo. "What's her name?"

"Sasha Elaine Wells."

"That's precious!" I told them excitedly.

Later on, when Sasha fell asleep and everyone was done talking, we said our goodbyes and left for home.

Despite Natsu's protests, we took the train back to Magnolia. After getting our tickets, boarding the train, and sitting down next to each other, Natsu rested his head against my lap.

"Don't worry, Natsu. It's gonna be fine," I reassured the sick dragon slayer, running my hands through his hair.

Eventually, we returned to Magnolia and Natsu stopped me right outside the train station.

"I know this job was kind of rough, but thanks for going with me. It meant a lot," he told me, giving a wide grin.

"Anytime, Natsu."

"Need me to walk you home?"

"It's okay. I'll be fine, but feel free to stop by later," I replied, hugging him.

"See you later, Luce!" He cheered, happy to have been invited over for once.

When I returned home, I immediately unpacked all of my things. Afterwards, I took a long bath and ate dinner.

Suddenly, I heard a knock at my door. It was Natsu.

"Woah, this isn't your style," I told him playfully. "What have you done to the real Natsu?"

"I'm right here, Luce," he replied with a smile. "It's just the same old me."

"Well, please come in," I cheered, giving him a hug when he stepped in the door.

"I got something for ya," he said, handing me some beautiful roses.

"Thank you so much! They're beautiful!" I graciously accepted the roses and put them in a vase.

"I'm glad you like them."

"Since when were you romantic?" I teased him, playfully tapping his shoulder.

"Since I was gonna ask you to be my girlfriend," he replied honestly. "What do you say?"

"Of course!" I responded, giving him a warm hug.

When we pulled out of the hug, Natsu began kissing me lovingly, causing a deep blush to appear on both of us.

"You llllooovvvveee each other!"

"Happy?!?" Natsu and I shouted and pulled apart instantly.

"So? Do you love each other?" He asked intrusively.

"Of course I love her. She's my girlfriend," Natsu replied calmly, putting his arm around me before I could yell at Happy for being nosy.

"Congrats, you two!" Happy cheered.

"Thanks," I responded shyly.

"So, tell me. What happened on that job?" Happy questioned with a smirk.

"Sit down, buddy. It's a long story." Natsu told him, leading us all to the couch so we could sit.

After a while of explaining, me, Natsu, and Happy shared a wonderful evening together.

Yayyyy! Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to follow me if you want to!

Love you!

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