Chapter 5

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I woke up to a small ray of sunlight beaming at my face. Natsu was fast asleep next to me and snoring rather loudly. My stomach growled and I remembered how long it had been since I last ate something. I held my stomach in pain and let out a small whimper.

This woke up Natsu, who was also hungry. He drowsily sniffed around and buried his face in my bag. He dug around for a bit before finding my snacks. He dragged out every snack I had packed and began ravenously stuffing his face with them.

"Noooo! Natsu those were supposed to last a while!" I screamed, slapping his hand away from my food.

"Sorry, Luce, but it's been over a day since we've eaten. I'm starving," he told me. "But these are yours."

He handed me all the snacks he hadn't eaten yet. He had eaten at least a third of my food. I grabbed what I was going to eat and gave the rest back to Natsu. He looked back at me in disbelief, and he was about to say something to me when we heard a large bang behind us.

My head whipped around to find that the door to the labyrinth had just closed again.

"It's closed," Natsu murmured worriedly.

"How long did we sleep?!?" I interrogated noisily.

"A long time."

"The door was closed when we went to sleep, so it was daytime. That means we must have slept and it's daytime now. The sun just rose, so we will have to wait till night to get out."

"Crap," Natsu sighed and began cursing and muttering under his breath.

"Let's just try to find that stupid book."

After choosing a different path, we survived even more traps and dangers than the last path. At the end, we reached a similar room with a skylight, but it had one large door. Skeletons were scattered around the room in front of the door, but nothing harmful was in sight.

Natsu, being the oblivious imbecile he tends to be at times, marched straight to the door and opened it. He disappeared behind the door as it closed and I rushed after him. Once reunited with Natsu, his flames illuminated the chamber around us. This allowed us to see the slumbering monster in front of us. It appeared to look very similar to a dragon, but it was much smaller and lacked wings.

Without any warning, Natsu attacked the sleeping beast and it was dead in a matter of minutes.

"That was a bit harsh," I commented.

"It would've attacked us later."

"Fair point."

This path also lead to a dead end, so we returned to the entrance yet again and took a different path we hadn't tried yet. We continued for hours and each path had a sleeping beast past a final room with a skylight. We returned to the entrance yet again to find that it had just become night time.

Starving and exhausted, we left the ruins to get food and a decent place to sleep for the night. It was freezing cold and pitch black because of the cloud cover, so it was a struggle to get back to town. When we did, Natsu and I ate dinner at a restaurant together. The food was nice and we were starving after our unsuccessful attempt at the job. On our way to the closest hotel, we stopped at a grocery store to buy food. As we exited the store, it began to snow lightly. We stopped at the closest hotel in town, hoping to find a place to spend the night. The lobby was clean and uncluttered and we were greeted kindly by the woman at the front desk.

"Hello. How can I help the both of you?"

"Hiya," Natsu greeted, then elbowed me lightly, signaling for me to speak.

"I was wondering if you had a room for two adults," I answered politely.

"We've had a bunch of travelers stop here because of the snow. However, we have one room left. It's a room with a single bed. Is that okay?" She informed then asked caringly, giving me a warm smile.

"We'll take it!" Natsu affirmed quickly, causing my eyes to widen a bit.

"And how long will you be staying? You can add nights whenever you want."

"Just for tonight," I replied.

"Okay! That'll be 6,000 jewel for one night," she told us as Natsu stepped in front of me to pay for the room.

"I got it," he told me with a grin and thanked him.

"Your room number is 269. Please enjoy your stay!" She cheered, handing Natsu two room keys. "Checkout is at noon tomorrow and free breakfast is provided from 6:00 to 11:30."

We thanked the woman and trudged to the room. Natsu handed me a key and I opened the door to a lovely, pleasant, and well-kept hotel room with two windows, a mini fridge, a television lacrima, and a queen sized bed.

This place seems great! I'm so glad we could find a place to stay.  I hope it doesn't get too cold or anything.  It's really snowing out there, I realized, gazing out the window at the falling snow.

Woop woop! Chapter 5 complete! Thank you so much for reading!

Sorry this chapter was kinda short...

I have some new stories that'll be coming out soon, so be sure to look out for those! Follow my account for details n' stuffs!

Love you all!


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