Yami/Yugi/one shot.

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Terribly sorry for being such an awful updater you probably throughly I forgot about this but NO I don't forget people's requests I simply make them wait forever for an update. Don't kill me for my lack of updating skills. Dedicated to ppgzrrbz sorry for the wait honey.
Yami pov.
   I watched in awe as the beautiful girl a few feet away from me reached down to stroke a grumpy looking dog. Her skin was fair, beautiful h/c billowing in the light breeze. A strong urge to run my fingers through her hair washed over me but if I were to that she would think I was creep. Maybe even scream.

  Yugi's voice broke through my fantasy of the stunning girl before me "what are you looking at Yami?"  I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. This girl had me speechless. When I didn't utter a word Yugi followed my gaze to where she stood. His violet eyes widened and his jaw fell open.

   A wave of possessiveness filled my chest "i am going to go talk to her" I stated marking sure to add a tone of hardness to my voice. A tone that suggested Yugi should back off. Yugi looked a little surprised at the edge in my voice but chose to stay quiet. A wise choice aibo.

  I stood up, brushing the grass off my leather pants before walking over to the  beauty. Her back was towards me so when I reached her I had to clear my throat to get her attention. She turned around with a dazzling smile that almost left me breathless "may I help you?" She asked sweetly.

   Oh Sweet mother of  Anubis her voice alone was enough to drive me crazy with need. The need to have her as mine. "Yes I just happened to be with my" I paused, should I mention Yugi? No then she would most likely want to meet him and she is mine "myself, I came here just to clear my head and then noticed a stunning girl with an adorable dog" the lie came easily to me.

  She blushed at my compliment then picked up her dog. Who looked like he'd bite my head off if he wasn't enjoying the attention too much. "Thanks this is d/n he's a pug" she held him out to me and I was about to stroke him when he snapped his canines at me.

I let out a little yelp and backed up. A giggle escaped her lips and it was like music to my ears. Oh gods I need help. "Sorry" she apologized "normally he isn't like that". "No, no, no need to apologize, dogs have never really liked me". Not true dogs love me and I love them. I have two pharaoh dogs to prove it.

She shrugged "so what your name?" "Yami Atem" I took her hand and kissed the back of it. A rosy colour filled her cheeks "y/n l/n". "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl" I said charmingly, giving her my best smile that usually had the girls swooning.

Her blush turned a darker shade of red. She mumbled something about it not being true but I choose to ignore it. "So can I have your number?" I asked, raising a brow. She looked up a shy smile playing on her lips. Those lips, so plump and pink and kissable.

  We swapped number and then she had to leave. Her cursed dog was getting impatient. I watched her retreating back until it was out of sight before jogging back to Yugi. He gave me a curious look "so what happened with the girl?" 

  "I'm going to ask her out" I grinned. Yugis smile dropped slightly and a guilty look sparked in his eyes. "Oh cool, what's her name". "Y/n" I sighed dreamily. "I've never seen you act like this about a girl, it's kinda freaking me out" Yugi joked. "Well y/n is different" I defended "I know it".
Yugi pov.
   I felt guilty for not telling the pharaoh but I already knew who y/n was. We were friends since preschool until that horrible day in grade four when she moved away to p/n. I hadn't seen her since. But now it looks like she's back and that old crush i thought I had gotten over has remerged.

   Atem continued blabbing in about y/n but at this point I wasn't even listening anymore. I was thinking about when I would bump into her. A small smile played at my lips as I thought about all the good times me and y/n had when we were younger.

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