Raphael/One Shot

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maximoff216 if I'm going to be honest Raphael is one of my favourite characters. He's so damn Nobel and amazing I love him and I'm sure you do to.
Your pov.
"Raph if you do this you'll regret it". The blond haired man turned around "don't you see y/n I can help cleanse the world of all this darkness". His eyes glowed with the seal of orichalcos, a slightly mad smile on his lips.

I took a step back "you are the darkness in this world Raphael and I'm sorry but I'm done with you goodbye". Raphael froze, his smile dropping from his handsome face "you said you'd never leave me y/n you promised!"

"I said I'd never leave Raphael" I corrected "you aren't the man I fell in love with, just a shell of him, a look a like". "You can't leave your all I have left!" He protested "please love I'll do anything, just please stay".

"Then stop this Raphael, give up on the orichalcos, come back to me as the Raphael I fell in love with" I pleaded. He rubbed his forehead in distress "your asking me to give up on the one thing I can't".

I blinked back tears that threatened to fall "then I guess this is good bye". I turned around and began walking away, pain etched clearly on my face. He loves the orichalcos power more than me.

"Y/n come back" he called "we can clear and rule the world together, don't walk away from me!" I tried my best to ignore him, placing my hands on my ears to block out his voice. I refuse to be apart of something that could wipe humanity off the face of the earth.

"Y/n I'm serious get back here!" He yelled. I squeezed my eyes shut "if you don't change your mind well then neither will I" my voice threatened to crack but I held strong.

I don't know where my feet are carrying me but as long as it's away from him I'll be fine. It was as if the world was morning my loss, the sky began crying, everything looked grey. Dull.

My shoulders began to shake, knees knocking together from the cold. It wasn't just a drizzle anymore. Rain was pelting down hard now, each drop hitting skin like chunks of ice.

"Y/n!" Someone called, I looked up to see Tea running towards me with an umbrella "what are you doing in this rain?!" She exclaimed slightly out of breath.

"I broke up with Raphael" I said numbly, without any emotion. "I am so sorry, I know how much you guys meant to each other" she sympathized. "Well apparently he meant more to me than I to him" I sniffed "he did choose the orichalcos over me after all".

Tea pulled me into a hug "it must be hard for you but we should really get you back to the camper, you'll catch a death cold in this weather". I murmured a silent okay and trailed after her.
Time skip brought to you by Super Kami Guru-nnnnnaaaaaaiiiiillllll.
I was sitting on the bench in new clothing, a fuzzy blanket draped over my shoulders. Everyone was giving my concerned looks as I only sat there and stared blankly at the table.

"How, how are you feeling y/n?" Duke asked awkwardly, breaking the silence. I slowly looked up, face bearing no emotion "like someone tore out my heart and left an empty hole in my chest".

"Your taking this surprisingly well" the Pharaoh commented. "Well Raph made it perfectly clear that the orichalcos was more important so I'm not going to waste my time by crying over him" I snapped in a harsh tone.

Everyone flinched slightly, "sorry" I muttered "but can we please stop talking about him?" Everyone silently nodded "if ya like I could make ya some chicken noodle soup?" Joey offered with a sweet smile.

"Thanks Joey" I have him a small smile. The blond saluted and turned around, pushing his way over to the small kitchen. "It's not his fault" yami Yugi commented.

I looked up "what?" "He's possessed by the evil of the orichalcos, he only thinks he's doing the right thing and don't worry y/n I'll get the real Raphael back, just like I'll get Yugi back".

There was a moment of silence as everyone thought back to the cheerful midget. "Thanks" I said, my voice slightly hoarse. The nameless Pharaoh nodded.
Raphael pov.
She said she wouldn't leave me, she said she'd stay with me forever but she lied, she left after I tried to give her everything. I closed my eyes and an image of Y/n pained face flashed in my mind.

I caused her that pain but I'm going to fix this mess. After Dartz raises the great Liviathon(no clue how to spell that) and wipes out all the evil she'll understand. "You are the evil in this world" y/bs voice echoed in my mind and I mentally winced.

She just doesn't understand yet but once everything's complete she will. She has to, I refuse to lose her like I did my family. I closed my eyes as the memory of how I lost my family filled my brain. A boat. My family. The wave. Only survivor.

My fists clenched, shoulders beginning to shake slightly. I took out my Guardian Eatos for comfort. The last thing I got from my family before they perished.

I swallowed hard, usually y/n would be here by my side to whisper comforting things in my ear but she's not here now. She's not even mine anymore, she broke up with me.

She's just confused I tried to convince myself but a piece of me knew that I drove her away. Choosing power over her. It'll all be worth it in the end. It'll all be worth it in the end. It. Will. All. Be. Worth. It. In. The. End.

Not the most convincing thing in the world but It's all I have for now. Key words. For now. I'll get you back y/n, if it's the last thing I do. I'll get you back. You belong with me, no one else. Just me and I'll show you that.

Next time I have you I won't let go. Mine only mine. No one else's mine.

Just your friendly reminder that not all one shots have happy endings. Hope you enjoyed. Getting started on the next request right away.

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