Seto/one shot

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Dedicated to the amazing ThatOneLmao because you obviously asked for this one and because you all about that sad ending shit. Enjoy.
Your pov.
He was in a trance, a hazy and glazed look covering  his deep blue eyes. Kisara stood at the other end of the dueling field, a knowing smirk painting her pale yet perfect lips.
"Any day now y/n" she drawled, examining her nails, the look on her face revealed it all. She was going to win, we both knew it.

I gripped the side of the stand, sweat gathering on my forehead. Seto completely oblivious to everything continued to stare blankly at nothing. I had to win, if I didn't Kisara would triumph and I would lose Seto forever. My only monster on the field sat pitifully in defence mode. The only thing I could do was stall her for a few turns.

  Her 2 Blue Eyes White Dragons started at me with taunting, empty eyes. To rule over her I would need a monster with 3000 life points or higher. My deck didn't have that high levelled of a monster. Looking at the stack of cards now I could see only about 10 more cards. Give or take.
"Stop stalling" she snarled, hair whipping in the wind "I tire of our little game and would like to get to my Seto as soon as possible".

Swallowing back the lump in my throat, I let a shaky hand reach out for a card, only to pick up a trap card. Tears stung my eyes, threatening to fall if I dared blink.
"I-I end my move" I whispered, letting my shoulder fall in defeat.
"Finally" she rolled her eyes "Blue Eyes, attack her monster, destroy it and then take her life points".

  The large dragon opened its jaw and large ball of light shot out, hitting my monster scare in the chest. My only defence shattered into a thousand pieces. I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the impact. A searing pain ripped through my chest as my small number of 650 dropped down to 0.

"And that ends our game" she laughed, sending shivers of hate down my spine "making Seto Kaiba officially mine". Kisara was on him seconds, wrapping one arm around his neck and using her free hand to run her finger up and down his defined chest. I clenched my fists, banging them against the metal flooring. How could I have lost when my everything was at stake, when losing meant having to let go of Seto? 

The tears started streaming down my face at a fast pace, hot blobs dropping down my chin and making a pitter patter on the ground.
"Don't cry y/n" Kisara sneered "you knew at the beginning of the duel that you were destined to lose".
"I thought, I thought  with everything at stake I would win" I sobbed.

"You pathetic and stupid mortal" she chuckled, lips trailing along Setos sharp jawline "it would take the blessing of every Egyptian god for that to happen". I looked up through bleary eyes, hoping desperately that Seto would wake up from his trance. He simply stood there, allowing Kisara to do as she pleased.

"Seto" I whispered reaching out. His cold blue eyes found my e/c ones. The once delighted shivers that he gave me refused to send shivers down my spine. There was nothing there anymore.
"Seto" I whispered, getting to my shaking knees "it's me y/n". No recognition flashed in his eyes, none.
"He won't remember you" she sniffed, brushing her hair behind her ears.

"Why?" I choked, a stab of pain slashing through my heart.
"Because I made sure to erase every memory of you from his brain" she said in bored tone.
"No" I murmured "No!" Lunging towards the tall brunette, I threw my arms around him and cried into his chest.
"Seto wake up its me!" I shrieked "y/n, you said you loved, you said Kisara didn't matter, that it would always be y/n and Set-"

I was cut off mid sentence when Seto pushed me off of him, causing me to collide with the ground.
"What the hell do you think your doing?" He hissed, his voice sounding much darker.
"It's me" I repeated in a small voice "y/n". Piercing blue eyes searched my face and the words that came out of his mouth next chilled my blood.

           "I don't fucking know you".

  I dunno, was that even a sad ending?

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