Atem/One Shot

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Lots of love and cats for everyone. dvddymya i hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.
P.s. this is probably going to be like a yandare. Hehehe I've always wanted to write one of those. Hopes you still like tho.🤭
No ones pov
  A very long time ago in the forgotten deserts of Egypt thrived a mighty Kingdom. Ruled by the one and only Pharaoh Atem. He was fair, honest, loyal, noble and hella handsome. Like seriously have you seen him? However even with all these characteristics the king lacked one thing. The love of his life.

  He had searched through out his whole entire empire in search of 'the One' but in the end he came home lonesome. Yet again. The Pharaoh had begun to start losing hope as the years passed on. Destined to be alone forever he had thought so many times.

Who would have guessed that his heart and sanity would be stolen by a thief.
Atem pov.
  My eyes had slowly began to droop due to boredom, my Kingdom supposedly had the best dancers in Egypt and yet here I was. Dying of boredom. I presented no interest in the felamles before me and eventually they stopped, sulking out of the room in defeat. What's the point of being king If  nothing seems to interest one anymore? 

The sound of foot steps brought my eyes over to Priest Seto who came scurrying over to me.
"Your highness" he bowed.
"I told you to call me Atem" I rolled my eyes playfully.
"Atem" he corrected himself "a thief was found in the castle". I peeked up in interest.
"Was there now?" I asked excitedly.

  Seto smiled slightly at my excitement.
"Yes your majesty when would you like to set a trial?" He questioned, parchment and quill in hand.
"Right now" I answered happily, finally something to do.
"Well Um okay as you wish" the tall man hurried out of the room and came back a few minutes later. Two buff men held a girl about y/a old.

My mouth fell agape at her beauty. Though her h/c was tangled and matted and some blood smeared her clothing. In my eyes she was perfect.
"Your majesty" she mocked, getting into a dramatically low bow.
"She some respect for the Pharaoh" Seto hissed before composing himself "your highness this wretched girl was found in the treasure room, stealing many ancient jewels, when confronted she proceeded by attacking the guards, two landed in the infirmary because of her". 

  I see" I said slowly not at all caring about what he just said, all I could concentrate on was the beautiful gift from Ra in front of me. 
"Are you going to continue staring at me like that or are you going to throw me in the dungeons?" She asked in a bored tone. A blush bloomed in my cheeks and I prayed to Osiris she didn't see it.

"Oh of course, tell me..." I trailed off looking at her expectantly.
"Y/n" she filled in.
"Y/n" I confirmed "Do you admit to these crimes?"
"Sure" she shrugged. Gods she's perfect. Focus, you're the king and your kingdom needs you.
"And can I ask why you did them?"  Her e/c eyes instantly went hard.
"No" she spat "no you can't".

A sigh escaped my lips.
"Y/n for these crimes I have no choice but to sentence you to jail time".
"Fine" she growled "but know this, no jail can hold me for long". I waved my hand in a dismissive manner but on the inside I was dying. The guards pulled her away and Seto walked over to me, a discounted look in his face.

"Don't" he said.
"Don't What?" I asked innocently.
"Don't fall for someone like her".
Your pov.
  After I was thrown in jail, rather harshly If I do say so. I sulked on my bed, thinking of a way to get out. There were no windows in my cell, digging wasn't an option either and three guards stood by the door. If I still had my Dagger I would be able to pick the lock and fight them however they didn't let me keep my weapons.

  But I did see the way the King looked at me, like I was the centre of his world. I smirked, I would get out through him. Get close and get out. Brilliant.
Time skip.
  What felt like ours later yours truly finally decided to show up.
"Hi" he beamed, a smile lifting up his handsome face.
"Um hello" I said rather awkwardly. 
"Sorry about the way my guards treated you" he apologized, shooting quick glared at the brutes.
"It's cool" I shrugged "I'm used to it".

  His eyebrows furrowed in question but he decided not to question it.
"Well anyway, are you hungry, I have more than enough for us both" he offered. My stomach gave him the answer he was looking for. 
"Brilliant, guards open the door" he commanded. The men looked surprised but didn't question the Pharaoh.

  The moment the tri colder haired man stepped into the door way I lunged. Ready to hold him as hostage when an invisible force held me back.
"W-what the hell?" I shrieked fighting for control.
"See this?" Atem held up the pyramid around his neck "this is the millennium puzzle and as long as I wear it you can't and won't touch me".

  A growl slipped past my lips and he proceeded to look amused.
"Come now love"
Against my own will my feet began carrying me across the room.
Time skip agin because I'm the author.
Needless to say lunch with a king is very awkward. Atem kept trying to engage me in conversations I didn't care about and when that didn't work we sat in complete silence. Servant standing around, ready to fulfill our every need.

  "You know y/n if you want I can have you serve your jail time in the palace with me" he offered earnestly.
"No Thanks I'm good" I was starting to get a little creeped out at his forwardness.
"Oh" disappointment flashed in his violet eyes "whatever I don't care what you want, in the Pharaoh so I get what I want".

"W-what?" I stammered.
"Servants prepare my room for two people, not just one and prepare a bath for her as well" he ordered. The people bowed and quickly left.
"Now hold the fuck up" I snapped "I'm not sleeping in the same room with you, let alone same bed and for fucks sake I said I wanted to be in the jail".

"Your so sexy when your mad" he chuckled. "You're crazy" I hissed standing up. "Crazy for you" the king countered. "You just met me!" I shrieked "you don't know me". "But I want to know you" the man cocked his head to the side "so that means letting me in". "I hate you" I seethed. His violet eyes burned with anger "no" he growled "you will grow to love me". "The sun of Ra can rise and fall to the end of time and I still won't love you" I vowed, eyes narrowed with hatred.

The tri hair coloured man tapped the table in thought, slowly his head raised and his eyes met my e/c coloured ones "you forget one thing my dear y/n". "And what's that?" I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest. The Pharaoh stood up and strolled over to me in a predatory manner. Eyes swallowing every inch of me until he reached my side.

He leaned down and whispered in my ear "you forget that I am much more powerful then you" my body was paralyzed in place "you forget that you are but one person against my whole kingdom" warm finger began tracing the outline of my jawline "So tell me y/n are you still going to try fighting this hopeless battle of yours?" 

"Forever" I finally whispered, my voice slightly cracked "because I have more to live for than this". A chuckle erupted from the evil beauty beside me "very well y/n, it is me against you, we'll see who wins". 

WHOOO monday updates back on track now that holidays are fiiiinnnaaalllyyyy over. Like for real without the process of school I am nothing.
Did y'all notice that I changed my name🤨
I am now known as Mrs_Monica_Wheeler because me an Joey got married over the weekend💍💋💏
Y'all can just call me Mrs. Wheeler or Monica it doesn't matter. Any who peace out *flips hair in bitchy way and struts out of room all sassily, almost falling in the process*.
P.s. yandare one shots are now open to those who have already requested so that would be.
B1D1799 with a Valon one shot
CreepyCousinOfDuke with a Seto one shot
Authorchanrules with a Duke, Zigfried and Shadi one shots
maximoff216 with a Valon and Alistor one shots.
If y'all want yandare one shots just ask and to all you other readers. Once i Finnish with these I swear requests will be open again. Thx for ur time😍😍

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