Alistor/One Shot

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maximoff216 I feel really bad about missing last weeks update but the next chapter contains a surprise for all you expecting readers. Enjoy.

Alistor pov.
  The slightly crumbling grave stone in front of me held so many memories of a boy I loved and still love. I clutched the broken action figure closer to my chest, above my heart.
"I'm sorry" I whispered, trying to hold back the tears that have wanted to fall so many times "I'm sorry I let this happen to you, I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you, I'm sorry it wasn't me instead".

  I was met by heart breaking silence, I painfully sat down, so my back leaned against the tomb, the back of my head perched onto the top of the slab of stone.
"A day doesn't go by where I don't wish I had died along side of you" hot tears trailed down the side of my face "I've made so many terrible decisions, fuck I sided with a maniac that wanted to destroy the world".

  The nearby bird let out a series of notes that eventually formed into an almost deathly song. The world mourns for my loss with me.
"I don't know anymore" I sighed shakily "maybe I should just...die already, I mean I could join you then,right?" 
"Don't" someone said softly, breaking through my thoughts.

I looked up to see a beautiful h/c haired girl standing before me, flowers clutched loosely in her hands.
"Don't" she repeated "kill yourself".
"And why not?" I laughed, no humour in my tone. It was dead. Like me.
"Because there are others that care about you" she confirmed "and if you just suddenly left them they would feel the exact same way you are right now".

  "No on cares about me" I corrected, standing up to my full height and brushing dirt off my jeans.
"That's not true" she frowned, picking at the roses in her hand.
"Darling, you don't know me" I chuckled, brushing past her.
"Well then I want to get to know you" she said boldly, grabbing onto my elbow.

"What?" I whispered, stopping in my tracks.
"Tell me your name" she decided "I'm y/n l/n". I looked at her begrudgingly before uttering our my name.
"I'm Alistor". A happy smile curled onto her pretty face.
"Well Alistor, tell me about you" she urged like she actually cared. 

"There's nothing to tell" I muttered, flexing gloves hands.
"Don't be like that" she scolded "oh I know, we'll talk over coffee". And before I could argue she began dragging me over to the nearest cafe.

  I folded my arms across my chest and glared at everything.
"Two hot chocolates please" she ordered, giving the cashier a friendly smile. She then proceeded by pulling me over to a table near a window. Y/n patiently drummed her fingers against the table.
"Oh you're going to love their hot chocolate, it's only the best of the best" she promised with a beaming smile.

I could help but let a small smile take over my usually frown. If possible her smile grew even wider.
"I made you smile" she cheered, wiggling in her seat "that just made my day by a lot". I shook my head, a small chuckle taking erupting from the base of my throat.

"Two hot chocolates with whipped cream and milk" the elderly waitress recited, setting down the mugs. Y/n began to pull out her wallet but the waitress stopped her.
"No honey, it's on the house".
"But I-" she protested.
"Tut tut dear, family eats for free". And then she left, throwing a wink over her shoulder.

"Is that your grandma or..." i trailed off , cocking my head to the side.
"No" y/n shook her head, h/c hair bouncing "but she may as well treat me like her daughter".
"That's sweet" I smiled, taking a sip of the brown liquid. My eyes widened when the chocolate goodness met my taste buds.

"OH MY GOSH THIS IS LEGENDARY" I exclaimed, downing more of the drink.
"See, told you" she laughed, talking a sip as well "no one beats this places hot chocolate". I swear the mug down and watched her stifle her laughter.
"What?"I asked confused.
"You got a little" she leaned across the table and swiped her lips across my top lip "cream there".

  A blush rose to her cheeks.
"Sorry" she apologized "if I made you a little uncomfortable".
"No" I shook my head "it's okay, I'm just a little startled". She nodded and stood up.
"I'll be right back, bathroom break". She scurried off without another word.

  "You're a very lucky young man you know" a voice mused. I turned to see the waitress observing me.
"What, why?" I frowned.
"Y/n hasn't liked a guy this much since her boyfriend died" she wiped her hands on her apron "you better treat her nice or I'll whoop your ass".

  There was something oddly terrifying about have an old lady threaten you.
"She doesn't, we just met" I corrected.
"Call it love at first sight then" she smirked sauntering away. I let her words sink in and realized that maybe just maybe there was something there.

  Something between me and y/n that could mend the broken pieces of my heart once and for all.

  One can only wait and see.

   And there it is.

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