Words Fail

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Though the chapter title is technically relevant to the chapter, it's also a name of a song that I like from the musical Dear Evan Hansen so go google it, it'll change your life.

Some situations are just impossible. Sometimes there is simply nothing you can say to make it better. Sometimes there is just not words to justify the way the world works. So what are you supposed to do? As much as we all wish we could constantly have a plethora of words that will make it okay, we're only human.

Sometimes the only words you can find to say is, "I'm so sorry.", and though those words often can't do anything to comfort, it could be the best option in fateful situations.

Sometimes you suggest solutions, as if solving the problem gets rid of the mess it's already made.

Sometimes you shrug it off as it's not directly your problem so it doesn't matter to you, this is always the safest route, you can't get hurt if you're not attached right?

Sometimes... Most of the time words fail. That's it. That's the truth. There's always going to be those impossible situations that get the best of you and not only keep you up at night, but leave you speechless. Oh boy, it'll leave you speechless, helpless, and exhausted. These situations will leave you drained and raw, all because you couldn't find the words to say at that moment.

If anyone has a solution to words failing on you go ahead and tell me in the comments because I need it right now.

Signing off -Awesome

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