I wish my teacher knew...

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I've been bullied and I've seen bullying in all aspects, and I've been in situations where teachers have either supported or just ignored it. Sometimes it's okay to let kids solve a conflict among themselves. However when teachers who are supposed to be the 'trusted adult' laugh it off or don't even bother addressing the situation, it can be extremely hurtful and upsetting to the kids who are already hurt and self-conscious. I know it might seem tedious or unimportant, but sometimes the small things can really make or break struggling kids day.

I am an outgoing introvert. I enjoy making conversations and meeting new people, but I sometimes I get really tired and need some time to myself to recharge. If I ever seem in a bad mood or upset, it might just be that I've dealt with people all day and just need some time to sit back and think. I apologize in advance if I ever come off as rude because of this, I know I don't always realize when I'm overstressed, so I'm sorry.

I know that teachers don't get told enough, but I speak on behalf of my classmates as well, we really do appreciate you and all your hard work. The amount of time spent on lesson plans, grading papers, tutoring and the countless other stuff y'all do for us, is crazy. For you to come to class every day at least trying to be happy and excited is truly awesome. It takes a good person with a big heart to be able to put up with all of us, so thank you for all your hard work and dedication to your job.  

I can't wait for a great year with you.

Hey guys! My teacher was having us write these letters so to her in class so I decided I'd share it with y'all

All for today,

Signing off ~Awesome

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