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Hey guys so here is a bit of information for you all before you continue reading since the drug bit might be a bit confusing. The drug that was given to White was a sleeping drug. You’re meant to have only a small amount of it, if you have too much it immediately puts you in a coma which is bad. And this bit is confusing but the only way to wake up someone who is in a coma from this drug is by giving them an antidote which can only be found at the team Plasma base. So I hope that has cleared it up. Also white consumed the drug when she was having her breakfast and I could have written about her breakfast but heck. I’m just really lazy so I couldn’t be bothered plus the breakfast scene would have been really, really dull. Anyway happy reading the next chapter. Enjoy and remember to VOTE, VOTE, VOTE AND COMMENT.

Chapter 2

>Bianca’s POV< (This POV was not meant to happen but is needed.)

I sighed looking down at one of my best friends, White. She was sleeping peacefully a slight bit of spit in the corner of her mouth. I smiled down at her and grabbed a tissue from my pocket, wiping it away. I sighed and looked across at Cheren and Elisa who were both hunting through White’s belongings trying to find a clue to how to find or get in touch with N. From across the room I heard Cheren exclaim in surprise. I glanced up and walked over to where Cheren was stood holding a pink book in his hand. Next to him I saw Elisa stare at it her eyes wide showing that her mind was working. A twinge of anger spiked up inside of me. ‘Why was it that Elisa was beautiful? Why was it that White was also beautiful? Whenever I’m with them I always look so ordinary. I’ll never look like them. I’ll only ever look bland.’ I sighed mournfully and leaned over Cheren's shoulder. In his hand was White’s diary. I stared at it momentarily shocked that she even had a diary. Cheren passed the diary to Elisa quickly acting as if it burned him. Elisa glared and clicked the lock open. I gasped and snatched the diary out of Elisa’s hands; she stared at me in shock. “What do you think your doing Bianca? That’s the only lead we have.” I sighed and nodded flipping it open to a specific date. “I know that is. But do either of you know the date to look at.” Elisa and Cheren shook their head in silence. I sighed and paused in my flipping. “Well lucky for you I already know what date to look at.” Elisa frowned at me confused. I rolled my eyes at her, a bad habit that I had picked up from White. I glanced at the diary entry. My eyes flicked over the writing trying to not read the wording to much. That was one thing I had always prided myself on, keeping other peoples things private, not everyone wanted to share everything about them after all. With a small grin my gaze sparkled with glee at seeing the needed entry before, with a swift movement, I grabbed a ben and scribbled out the last part of the diary entry onto my hand.

... N told me what to do if I ever needed him today. I doubt that I will though. Why would I need to get I touch with him? It’s not like I’m in danger or anything but... I think that I had better note it down just in case. Bianca has always said that my memory is like a sieve aka I’m always forgetting things, most important, it was important details that I had a habit of forgetting. N said that if I was ever in need of getting in touch with him I should leave a note for him at the Pokémon center in Nimbasa city stating a time and a date to meet him in Lostlorn woods. Apparently it has some sort of value to him. Don’t ask me what though...

I placed the pen down and snapped the diary shut and placed it back in White’s bag. I turned around and showed Elisa and Cheren the piece of paper with the details. Elisa stepped forward and took the piece of paper from my hand. I glared at her and walked over to White’s bag and picked it up, slinging it over my shoulder. “How did you know the right date to check?” I bit my bottom lip considering Elisa’s question... I sighed coming up blank. ‘What could I do? I couldn’t tell them the truth. White will kill me...

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