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(Okay guys. The time has come... for me to end this story. I hope you have enjoyed my story and hope to see you all reading the sequel. Thanks for your support and enjoy the epilogue...)

BTW guys please write a review below about your opening of my story guys so that some people can know what it sounds like on a whole and so that I can learn from your feedback. Please do. I beg you...

Black murmured in his sleep and raised a hand to rub his eyes. He groaned at feeling something nudge his arm and sat up with a jolt. A series of memories flooded through his mind in one go. White, team plasma, N, kidnapping, Drug, CHAOS. Black jumped to his feet before falling back to the ground at feeling them give way beneath his body weight. Black glared at his legs with hatred and turned to look at his surroundings. He was on a small island surround by miles and miles of sea. Black turned to stare behind him and noticed for the first time Elisa lying on the sand still unconscious. Black sighed and stood using this time a fallen branch to support himself. He glanced up at the sky at hearing a thundering sound and grated his teeth together at seeing a ship flying away. "Black!!!" Black turned his gaze once again to face the ship and saw Touko standing by the ships edge.His mouth opened in surprise before he dropped his stick and tried to run forwards towards the ship that was flying away. He collapsed to his knees at feeling them give way once again beneath his weight. Instead he turned to face the ship and yelled. "White!!!" Black watched White's face appear over the side before turning to glance behind where she was stood. He watched in curiosity as White spun and yelled something to someone behind her. Black's eyes widened at seeing Ghetsis appear followed by his grunts. "No!!!" Black's voice ached from the scream that had lurched from his voice at seeing White step back and nearly tumble to her death. Next to Ghetsis Black's eyes widened at seeing a familiar green haired boy step forwards and grab White's waist as she jumped off the side of the ship. The boy pulled a kicking White backwards just as the scene on the ship appeared to become unclear to Black's gaze. Black slumped in defeat and placed his head in his arm's and let his tears flow freely for his lost friend. Misery swallowed Black up like a black hole and he shuddered, his shoulders shaking as he cried in defeat...


Omg my little eevee's so it's done. The story I have spent around three months typing has come to a close. Oh... wow I have no words apart from it is kind of upsetting to have to finish. Anyway. I hope you all like it. The ending and the whole story and I guess I just want to say big huge thanks to all of you guys who have been with me throughout my whole journey. I'm going to start on the sequel as soon as possible and I will upload a sample chapter of it next. So keep a look out guys. Right so whilst I'm here I have a few people I want to say a special thanks to on wattpad.

@Pikachick who gave me faith when I had lost it all

@Go0dra who helped me calm down and think of how to write certain lines

@Vivisaurs who is an amazing person and helped me with inspiration

@PIKApika77 who helped me working out the details.

You guys are the best and are the best little eevees I could have ever asked for.

Okay guys so here is what I'm going to do. I'm going to tell you the title of the sequel which is going to be called stolen. I already have the cover decided so I'm going to describe it for you... Or not. Just follow me and you'll instantly know when the story has been released. Btw, I am going to publish the sequel of my story at some point in July. More than likely the 1st as it is two days before my birthday. Okay well then below I am going to complete what was requested and then sign off but please don't forget all of my little eevee's to VOTE and COMMENT. Come on lets get this story really looking good. Lol. :D

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