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-6 months later-

I lay beside Sams hospital bed watching as he slept. He'd lost a lot of weight and was very pale.

He was gonna die.

He didn't have that long left. And my heart was breaking. I was losing my bestfriend. My other half. My brother.

At that moment, Cas walked in with a box full of stuff.

"How is he?" He asked, placing the box down by the drawers. He pulled a chair up and sat down next to Sam, who fidgeted in his sleep very faintly.

"He's uh- he... He's gonna die Cas. I know it. I can see the way Kayla acts around him." Kayla was his nurse. "She frowns when she checks his blood pressue, she's acting very suspicous Cas. I'm scared. I'm so scared." Cas reached over the bed and held my hand, squeezing it slightly.

"Dean, calm down. I don't know how to say this but um, don't you think it's time to let go? I mean, you've seen how much pain he's in, even if he hides it. Don't you think it'd be best to say goodbye?" Cas said being very sympathetic.

"I don't wanna be alone, Cas. And I don't want my baby brother to die." I wiped a tear away from my eye.

"I'll be here with you every step of the way. You know I will. I love you so so so much Dean. And Sam too. I think it's for the best."

"Did you get all the stuff?" I asked, distracting myself from the conversation.


We spent the next half an hour setting up our little project, and then we waited. We waited for Sam to wake up. That's if he does though.

-2 hours later-

"What's all this?" Sammy had just been woken up from his sleep for his medicine.

"Dean has a suprise for you, I reckon you'll love it." Kayla said, with her arm around Sam. Kayla loved Sam. She said it was because he was sweet and polite and so much nicer than all her other patients. I reckon it's because he has long hair and she likes the play with it and plait it.

"Yes, but what is it?" He asked again. He was smiling so he was obviously happy.

"Well. You know I bought that camera after we found out about you cancer and we took photos everywhere we went and have loads of videos and stuff?" Sam nodded his head. "Suprise Sammy Winchester. This is your own movie. It's only 5 minutes long, but you deserve your 5 minutes of fame." Sammy laughed and his smile and happiness lit up the room. He put everyone in a good mood.

Cas dimmed the lights and I pressed play. The projecter started and his 'film' came up on the hospital wall.

Sammy would not stop smiling all through it. He watched in glee and kept talking all through it.

"That's me. Look at me. I'm free. I'm so happy. Oh, look at me go! This is the best day ever!"

The video ended with a clip of us all at the beach a couple months back. I was stood on the sand filming while Cas and Sammy were throwing eachother around in the water. Eventually, I rested the camera on a wall and ran in to joke around with them. Cas kept giving me little kisses and Sam would splash water at us. We decided to wind him up and kiss for a really long time, tongues and everything. Sam threw us under the water and the room was filled with the sounds of laughter.

Sam was still chanting.

"Look at me. I'm having so much fun! I'm young and I'm free." And as the film stopped and the room quietened down, Sammy said something that gave me shivers.

"I'm alive."

Sam died the Tuesday after.

It was raining.

And it was thunder and lightening too.

The hours leading up to it were quite normal really. Cas was on the supply run and it was just me and Sammy in the room together. He was awake, and he was talking very slowly. He was too weak to do most things.

"Dean... I can't... breathe.. My head... hurts help... me." He was gasping really badly so I pressed the emergency button franticly and started panicking.

Kayla ran in and layed Sams bed down so he was laid perfectly straight. She fiddled with his breathing tube trying to sort it out, and I looked at his heart monertering machine.

Nothing but bumpy lines. He was still alive.

Suddenly, loads more docters ran in and I was soon pushed out to the other side of the room. His heart had stopped. He wasn't breathing. His heart wasn't beating.

The doctors tried CPR, but nothing was happening.

I tried to block the flatline out, but it drowned inside me.

"Nothing's happening!" Kayla shouted. "Dean! Nothing's happening!"

"Let me see him, now!" I pushed past all the doctors and jumped into the bed with Sammy. I got under the blanket with him and rested his head on my chest.

"Hey, hey Sammy. It's Dean. I'm your older brother. I wanted you to know that you saved my fucking life. You have kept me breathing for so long and I'm sorry I couldn't return the favour. I'm so sorry Sammy, you'll have to forgive me. Please forgive me." I felt stupid. Talking to my dead brother. "It's okay baby brother. Let it go. It's okay to let go, Sammy." When I realised he had already let go, I changed what I was saying. "I'm so sorry Sammy, I'm so so so sorry. I'm gonna miss you so much. The simple things. I promise to visit you everyday, and I'll tell you what happens on Supernatural, and I'll tell you how things are with Cas. I'll tell you everything. I'm so sorry it had to end like this brother I'm so sorry." Tears were everywhere. Kayla began crying too.

"Time of death: 4:43pm."

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