Chapter 3

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After I got off with multiple detentions the rest of the day was pretty boring. I was waiting for sage since she was my ride. I was texting her trying to find out where she was when somebody bumped int o me hard. I look up to see my ex best friend Bethany.

"Watch where your going you piece of shit." She said glaring at me.

"Um I was standing still. You were the one in motion therefore you ran into me." I said.

"Well peasants should move for their queen." She smirked as her mini me's laughed behind her.

"Well when she comes through I'll be sure to get out of here way but in the mean time..." I replied as I move in front of her.

"Listen here slut. You are still a nobody. Don't get all high and mighty now." She said angrily getting in my face.

"No you listen here bitch you were a nobody. I'm not the same girl I was freshman year. I'm not scared of you. And really? I'm the slut? I'm not the one who goes to parties, gets drunk, and throws myself at any guy who would take me. You are nothing. At least not to me. Not any more." And that's when I got in her face.

We were there for a good minute before someone's voice interrupted our glaring session.

"Hey guys what's... going... on?" Shawn said as he walked up to us becoming less sure of himself as he got closer. Bethany smirked at me as she turns to Shawn.

"Oh hey Shawny! It's nothing don't worry about her. Wanna hang out?" Shawny? Really?

"Whatever." I mumbled as I walked away. I'll just text Sage and tell her I walked home.

I heard loud footsteps coming towards me as I heard Shawn yell for me to wait.

"Hey!" He said smiling when he caught up to me.

"Hi?" I said wondering why he here. "You know you don't have to walk with me right?"

"Yeah I know. And besides it's the least I could do after getting you kicked out of class. I did call him an asshole." He chuckled at the last part. " I live this way anyways."

"No it was my fault. I called him a dick and a prick." I half smiled.

"Yeah your right, it was your fault." He said jokingly. I light lay pushed him and he kept walking.

"You know you do look familiar."

"Well I did get you kicked out"

"Yeah, but even then."

"Well I have a twin sister who goes to our school."

"Sage right?" I nodded. "So that makes you Scarlett. She told me about you"

"Yep that's me! And I hope they were good things."

"Yes, all good things. I'm Shawn by the way."

"Ugh I know." I groaned.

"Wow you seem very happy to meet me." I could tell he was shocked at what I said.

"No it's not like that! I just mean my sister talks about you all the time. She's a big fan of yours." I said not meaning to offend him.

"I could tell when I met her." He said recalling their conversation.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about her."

"No worries. It's cool."

"Well this is my stop" I said as we stood in front of it.

"No way! I live next door!" He replied a little bit too excited. "Looks like we will be seeing each other often." Trying to play it off.

"Looks like it." I smiled. And not one of those fake ones to make everyone else happy. A real one.

I stare at the door and listen as my moms yells at someone from the inside.

"Are you going to go inside?" Shawn asked me. I almost forgot he was here. I shook my head no.

"Hey will you go somewhere with me?"

"Yeah sure." I took his hand and lead him to the forest behind our houses. I looked back at him and he seemed skeptical about going.

"I won't kill you I promise." I giggled and kept running.

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