Chapter 6

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A few months later
Today is March 24. Exactly one week before mine and Sages 16th birthday, and she won't stop talking about it. I swear she's literally going to talk my ear off.

In other news ever since this month started everyone has been acting super weird. My mom, Shawn, Sawyer, even Shawn's parents! But anytime I ask them about they all change the subject.

Right now I'm sitting at Tim Hortons with Shawn before school since it was near by. We've gotten really close recently. He's one of the only people I trust that isn't a part of my family. Even tho he mine as well be considering he's almost always at my house and when he's not I'm at his. I'm kind of glad he's not though. I may or may not like him a little bit.

I was telling Shawn a story but in the middle of it he kept looking at his phone every five minutes. I constantly ask him if he's still listening and he nods his head but I can tell he isn't.

"Ok seriously what's up?" I ask him completely giving up on the story.

"What do you mean?" He asked nervously.

"Well everybody is acting weird and nobody is answering my questions, including you. Plus your phone is singing every five minutes. I'm not dumb Shawn."

"I know that Lett, it's just my mom. It's nothing." He said getting his stuff ready to leave.


"It's nothing." Ok he just totally dissed my promise. Shawn isn't a very good liar in the first place but he never broke a promise. That's mostly how I caught him in lies. You can't break a promise you never make. I had to drop it because he started leaving without me.

"Ugh fine!" I said reluctantly following him. This conversation is far from over.

At School

I was waiting by my locker for Shawn when the locker door slammed closed. Behind it was Beth with a sickeningly sweet smile.

"Hey bestie!" She said full of fake cheer.

"What do you want Bethany?" I asked her slightly annoyed at the fact that she almost broke my fingers.

"Is that any way to talk to your best friend?"

"You stopped being my best friend when you ditched me!"

"I didn't ditched you I moved on!" She said dropping the niceness for a split second before it returns. "Aaaaanyways, are you and Shawn like a thing?"

"What's it to ya?" I'm beginning to become very impatient with both her and Shawn.

"Just wondering! Your not right?" She wait for an answer but I just looked down. When she realized that she wasn't going to get an answer she laughed. "Of course not! Why would he wanna be with a depressed bitch like you!" Normally I've become numb to people's words but when it comes from my former best friend it hurts a little bit.

"So here is what your going to do, your going to stay away from Shawn. Or else." At this point all traces of that fake smile is gone.

"Or else what?"

"Or else the next few years of your high school life is going to be miserable got it?" She said in a deadly whisper before her smile returned. But this time it wasn't to me it was to something behind me. I suddenly felt arms wrap around my waist and a chin on my shoulder. I didn't turn around though (even though I knew it was Shawn) I was too shocked to move.

"Hey Shawnie!" Ugh really again?

"Oh hey Bethany. You ready Lett?" Beth's smile faded when she saw she didn't have his attention.

"What? Oh ya, ya, sure." As Shawn dragged me away I could still feel her glare on my back.


Yaaaaaay! Another day another chapter.
Ok no that's not true but still another chapter! I hope you guys like it

~ Kyrie

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