Chapter 7

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After School
In the library
"I'm never going to get this!" Shawn yelled throwing his arms in the air dramatically.

"Well you better or else you can kiss your freedom goodbye." I told him truthfully looking over the worksheet he gave me. "Hey! You got this one right."

"Really!" He said. His face lighting up.

"Oh, wait, no sorry." He glared at me and rolled his eyes. "Here look," I said pointing out what he did wrong.

"When we are looking for a side and the triangles share a side  it would be Reflexive not vertical. So the statement of the proof would be AB is congruent to AB and the reason, Reflexive not Vertical Angle Theorem. Got it?"

"Ya I think so." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Great because I have another worksheet for you." I said digging through my backpack as Shawn groaned. "Oh stop being a baby." I set the work in front of him and started coughing uncontrollably.

"Hey are you ok?" He said with concern floating in his eyes.

"I'm...fine" I said between coughs.

"Are you sure." I let out one last cough before my fit was over.

"See fine." I smiled at him. He still took his obey sweatshirt and gave it to me.

"Here just in case." I was surprised he gave me one, considering I haven't gave him back the first three. "Make sure you give it back." He says half heartedly.

"Ya ok." I giggled and told him to get back to his work. After I was done tutoring or as he calls in torturing Shawn we decided to hang at my house house.

"Hey do you want something to eat?" I asked him as we walked into my house.

"Always!" He laughed. I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen. When I came back with my arms full of junk food Shawn was sitting in front of the piano in the front room. I put down the food to go sit next to him.

"You play?" I asked him.

"No, I wish. Do you?"

"No, not any more."

"Well why not? I bet your great at it!" He said nudging me.

"It was my dad's. He gave it to me before he passed." I said sadly. We sat in silence for a few minutes before he had come up with an idea.

"Will you play for me?" I started to get really panicky. I've never really played for anyone other than my dad.

"Well... I haven't played in awhile so I'm probably pretty bad at it." I said making up excuses, but it was true. We were supposed to get rid of it but nun of us had the heart to do it.

"I don't care." He said. "If you play me one song I'll play my guitar and sing for you later." I do love when he gives me private little concerts but I just don't think I'm ready yet.

"I don't know Shawn..."

"Please? For me?" He said giving me puppy eyes but I just laughed at him because he looked ridiculous and he pouted.

"Ok, ok fine." I said giggling. It took me a couple of tries to start the song but once I did everything kind of just disappeared. Like nothing else mattered. It was just me and my dad.

When I was younger we couldn't afford piano lessons so my dad taught me himself. I had forgotten how much music connected me and my dad. It was both of our favorite thing in the world.

After my dad had passed I played the piano everyday just to pretend for that moment that he was still with me. But eventually I got too busy that I kind of forgot about it. Now that I'm playing again I'm missing him more than ever.

When I came back to and the song was over I looked over to Shawn to see his mouth open wide.

"Close your mouth honey you'll catch flies." I said getting up from the chair grabbing the snacks. He rolled his eyes and followed me to my room.

"Your really good at playing the piano. Not as good as me of course but," he said playfully before I hit him upside the head. "Ow! That hurt." He said rubbing the back of his head.

"Ya right. You still owe me." I told him.

"Ya, ya." He said waving me off continuing to my room.

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