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I was woken up by a loud crash and yelling coming from down stairs. Ugh my parents are arguing again. Let me fill you in, hi I'm Scarlett Siempre Patrova (Siempre is always is Spanish) but you can call me Scar. I'm fifteen years old. I really think my name goes with my personality. Scar. Up and down my arms reminders of the times when people have tried to break me and succeeded. We just moved here and people already treat me like trash and my parents argue too much to even acknowledge my existence.

The person closest to me is my twin sister Sage Por Sienpre Patrova.(Por Sienpre means forever in Spanish) I also have a big brother Sawyer Amado Patrova (Amado = Loved) that I'm pretty close to.I've tried to commit suicide twice and I've failed twice. Another thing I fail at.

" I'm not dealing with this." I mumbled to my self. I got up, grabbed a baggy sweatshirt and climbed out my window.

I kept walking till I got to this cliff that I found a few years ago when we first moved here. I sat on the ledge. I've never actually thought about jumping until now. Sure it crossed my mind once or twice but I never thought I'd actually do it. I made up my mind. I stood up and looked over the city one last time.

"Goodbye cruel world, see you on the other side." I closed my eyes. Just before I let my self fall I heard someone.

"Stop!" The voice cried out. I looked behind me to see a tall boy about 5'10, he had dark brown hair, and chocolate brown eyes.

"Why?" I simply asked the boy. "There's nothing for me here."

"There's everything for you here, you haven't even lived yet and your willing to give it up that easily?"

"No there's not! My parents can't even look at me without arguing, the people at my school hate my guts, I'd be better off dead." I don't know why I'm explaining myself to him. I don't even know him.

"No you won't!" Why is he so content on keeping me alive.

"Yes I would!" By now there are tears filling my eyes that I refuse to let fall but on rebel tear decides to and more came. "Why am I crying? I'm so sick of crying!"

"Shh I will be ok." He said trying to calm me down.

"How do you know? How could you possibly know?"

"Because I'm just like you!" He blurted out.

"What?" I whispered but I'm still sure he heard me. He pulled up his jacket sleeve to reveal scar after scar. Some new, some old, all showing the battles he's fought. I was so distracted by his scars I didn't realize that he go me off the ledge.

By now I'm sitting on his lap letting my tears finally fall along with my guilt, insecurities, sadness. For the first time in a long time I felt safe. I felt like I didn't need to protect myself because he do it for me. He wasn't a leaver  like everyone else, he gets left, like me. Something told me that in the end when everyone else leaves he'll be the one to stay. For once in my life I actually believed everything was going to be ok. Last thing I remember him saying was "...So stay alive. It gets better tomorrow I promise." As he kisses my head. He saved my life, just as much as I saved his. But that's another story for another time.

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