Chapter 2: Late celebration

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I fiddled with my noodle surprise as I sat under my favorite tree, the one I always sit under during lunch and waited for Jordan. We needed to go over what we were going to do for her late celebration. Sighing I resorted to my old beat up laptop and started editing my latest post, It was around two paragraphs and was good enough just to let everyone in on my super 'exciting' life. My blog was called AC Blogs, AC as in my initials. I felt a smile creep onto my face as I saw my following, I was so close to my goal. I had 2,560 followers so far, once I hit 2,570 I would going to do a post a long story on one of my favorite memories. I was very happy that my website was getting so far and how interactive my followers were, I designed and created my own website all by myself I had always had an interest in programming, writing, and social media. Only Jordan knows about it and was my first follower. I got my following from Tumblr, I had a following of around 2,000 but then they all switched over to my website and I stopped using Tumblr. After I was done editing my post I published it with a content smile, I had to be more persistent with my blog, I was hoping to someday make something like this my job. Then suddenly I was interrupted from my work by a familiar raspy voice, looking up I gave a small smile.

"Hey, Maalik," I spoke clearing my voice, I hadn't realized I hadn't really spoke in my earlier classes. Which seemed to take forever, mostly because I was starving but now that I saw what was for lunch. I lost my appetite. "Hey Agnes, whatcha working on?" He asked sitting next to me, he didn't glance at my screen which made me grateful. It was probably my biggest pet peeve when people did that, I smiled once more, "Well if you must know, I am secretly super popular on social media. And I'm working on it at the moment while I wait for Jordan." I told him hinting sarcasm at the words 'super popular'. He laughed lightly, his teeth gleaming as the noon sun hit them. I felt my cheeks warm up, "So could I know what it is so I could follow you?" He asked in a casual tone but I knew that there was some intimacy behind it. "Well, I mean, If you want to. Only Jordan knows about it, I try to keep it out of school I guess..." I trailed off not really knowing where I wanted this to go. Would I ever self-promo at school? Probably not. He nodded understandably, then crossed where his heart would be and laughed his raspy laugh again. I raised an eyebrow then smiled, grabbing a small sticky note out of my backpack and a pen, I quickly scribbled the website name. "If you have a Tumblr user then you can sign in with that or just be a guest." I handed it to him our hands brushing slightly against each other. His dark eyes widened then he looked at me, "You made this?" I nodded once, not sure how to react to his reaction. Soon enough we were interrupted by Jordan. I was glad and disappointed at the same time, I enjoyed his company. I started feeling a tugging in my chest maybe I shouldn't have given it to him. Pink petals from my tree started swirling down, Autumn was capturing them in its cool air.

"Hey Jordie," I could feel my cheeks heat up even more. Hopefully, she wouldn't leave, "Am I interrupting something?" She said wiggling her eyebrows at me. Maalik laughed at my embarrassed expression then got up, cracking his knuckles. "Nope, just saying Hi. Bye Agnes, Jordan." Then he left then vanished into the school doors. Jordan wouldn't stop teasing me. Soon break was over so we decided to plan on the walk to my house. I shot a quick text to my mom, Carmen, about her coming over. She was always welcome at our house so I didn't bother asking.

Soon enough the bell rang and we started to class. Before we were at our class, English, she spoke up again "You know it's almost your and Tiana's birthday too. What are you gonna do?" She asked smiling. "Um," My voice felt scratchy so I cleared it quickly, "I'm not sure, she's probably gonna throw a huge sweet 16 but I honestly couldn't be bothered I'll probably just invite close friends to the coffee shop or something and just hang out," I spoke quickly hoping to find a distraction for Jordan. She would definitely make me go, get me dressed up, and probably make me flirt with someone. Not my cup of tea. She gave me a quick glare as if to let me know I wouldn't get out of talking about this later with her as we entered the classroom. The smell of new books and printing ink hit my nose and I couldn't help but smile. I knew that this English class was mostly creative writing and I was more than excited. Jordan smiled at my expression then found two seats next to each other, we sat then watched the rest of the class flood in. The girl that talked to her earlier with the braces sat with us as well as a boy I haven't met before. He was probably new, I could guess by how jittery he was. "Hey, I'm Agnes." I started out by catching eye contact. I smiled so that the intensity of my eyes that I couldn't control didn't scare him away. He gave a nervous smile, He had 'nerd' like glasses with black frames, a cute freckled face with narrow features, he was pale and had dirty blonde hair matched with dull gray eyes. "I'm Jamie." He spoke in a lower voice than I would've expected. He had a hint of a Scottish accent, it was a nice voice. Then our attention was taken by Mr. Owens, my favorite teacher, I had him last year.

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