Chapter 5: Unexpected

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Slowly her hazel eyes opened, and I remembered the familiar smell I smelt as I drunkenly kissed the person last night. Coffee and a cigarette. "Jordan?!" Her cheeks were flushed and she covered her ears, "Jesus Agnes not too loud," Tho i had only yelled in a whisper. Slowly I got up and grabbed two bottles of water and some apple slices, "Here," I handed her one of the bottles and I set the plate in between us. We ate silently, "Did you not know who you were kissing?" Her voice was quiet and shy unlike her usually rather masculine vocals. "No," I paused not sure how she would react, "But I'm not upset at it?" I whispered in a hushed voice, she smiled softly down at the honey crisp apple slices. We finished our small breakfast and waters before heading downstairs

My moms were finishing cleaning up and were whispering. "Um, Good morning?" I finally spoke up in a quiet tone. Carmen looked at me and gave both me and Jordan a stern look, "Hangover? Why were you drinking?!" Her voice was too loud it rung in my head and Jordan covered her ears. "Someone put alcohol in the punch.." Jordan groaned. Tyler and Carmen shared a look, Carmen stormed up the stairs and Tyler gave us each a glass of pickle juice. "Your other friends left a little while ago, Maalik and-?" She tried to think of James's name. "James, mom," I spoke quietly to make sure Jordan's ears could be saved. We both sipped at our pickle juice as we could hear the muffled yells Carmen was shouting at Tiana whose ears were probably getting murdered. The sun seemed too bright, everything seemed to be yelling, and my head throbbed. Ugh.

After we finished our juice, Carmen came down with Tiana by the ear. Carmen was cursing in Spanish and my cheeks flushed slightly. "Mi Hijo de Dios, estás en un montón de problemas! No Puedo Creer quite haciendas esto..." Carmen's vocals were raspy from yelling tho, her sentence wasn't tainted with curses more followed after.

Tiana looked like a scolded puppy, her big blue eyes fell toward the ground. I felt a lift in my chest as I saw the look on her face. I know it was wrong but she did deserve it for keeping whatever Tyler's secret was from our other mom. We all sat for breakfast, it was awkwardly silent. "So, Jordan how's life?" Tyler finally spoke up and soon Jordan replied, with "Good." We all shoved more breakfast burritos into our mouths so there was an excuse for why we weren't conversating. After breakfast, I decided to walk Jordan home, as we walked an awkward silence seemed to cloud over us. "Um, so?" I tried but then cleared my voice softly, "Are we going to talk about last night or pretend it never happened?" My tone was quiet and rushed almost. The autumn breeze seemed chilly and eerie almost. Her eyes seemed to hold a cloud of hurt, "Do you want to forget it?" My heart pounded, of course not but I didn't want to completely throw away our friendship. "No, but we've been friends forever and I-" She interrupted my sentence, "Our friendship is permanent. And I agree that if things... ended. Badly. That it would be awkward." I felt myself nod softly, as we made it to her house the door opened. Her front door was very creaky so it made a horror movie like noise as we opened it. Her dog happily barked a greeting at us, "Hey Jordie would it be okay if I stayed? I would rather do that then go back home to a grumpy Carmen and moody Tiana." A small laugh left her then she nodded once, "I need to shower and eat so," She raised an eyebrow at me, I put my hands up with a smile and headed toward the kitchen. Her cute pupper followed me to the kitchen, he sat quietly and watched my every move just waiting for me to drop something for him to harph down. His big brown eyes seemed to hypnotize me into throwing him a slice of cheese, no self-control at all. Even tho we had just eaten, we both didn't finish much. My stomach felt all weird even now that I was out of my house. As I began to make some melts thoughts ran through my head frantically, I was scared. Scared about losing my comfort around Jordan, scared that I really had no idea who I was, scared about a lot of things. Soon our turkey pesto melts were done and my mouth was watering. I heard the water shut off and I quickly threw the pupper another slice of cheese, he licked his chops thankfully.

Soon Jordan came into the kitchen with messy towel dried hair and rosy cheeks, my heart dropped. The aroma of the sandwiches made it hard not to just eat the sandwiches right then and there but my eyes couldn't leave her.

The thoughts and memories of her hands on my skin and her lips on mine, it made it hard to focus. Almost hard to breathe. Jordan looked concerned almost self-conscious, "I'll go put clothes on real quick...?" Her voice was strained almost with embarrassment. "No, that's not why I'm being weird." I quickly rushed out and her eyes met mine still filled with confusion. "How did you know you were gay?"

The air of the empty house was filled with chatter and laughter, Jordan and I would be fine, we would be great. Tho we were both still too anxious to call ourselves anything more than friends. I was still so confused and panicky whenever I thought about love that I didn't dare date anyone while I still didn't know the basics of my attraction? I sighed then smiled at her, "I should go home..." Jordan laughed then nodded, "It is getting late..."

On my way home. The cool autumn air comforted me, cooling me down and calming my thoughts as my converse hit the pavement lightly. A sigh of relieving left me, I don't know if I could handle romance. It's all so scary, exciting, but mostly scary. But the idea of a warm hand in mine comforted my thoughts. My lips let out another sigh, I needed to stop thinking about all this. Only the first week of school has passed and this all happened. I don't think I like parties.

Hello readers! I know it's not my best content but I had a sudden urge to finish the part and hopefully it was okay... Also sorry for leaving with a cliff hanger for so long... well whoever reads this anymore will know the struggle lol. 

Anyways hope you enjoyed.

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