Chapter 3: Minor Injuries

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The short first week of school passed quickly and I would be relieved for the weekend but sadly I am not for I have to deal with an unwanted sweet 16 party that my sister wants. Then again I never usually get what I want if Tiana is in the picture.

Quickly I slipped up the stairs and into my room, sighing I quickly opened up the window above my bed for some fresh air. I grabbed my earbuds decorated with pictures of my favorite band's logo. Music floated my ears and I happily hummed along, then started to work on my poem. It was both for my creative writing and for my blog. Which now Maalik followed. I was probably never going to get over that. As I wrote my mind went the summer. There was always a constant smell of ice cream and watermelons. Oh and chlorine, the wonderful smell of chlorine that wouldn't leave your hair after around 3 washes. Well, maybe that's just me? Soon the poem was finished and the sun was touching the horizon. I sighed and started to spell check before moving on to my other homework. The teachers weren't as cruel as I suspected and I only had small amounts of homework throughout the week.

Soon it was around 9:30 and a soft familiar buzz of my phone went off, I quickly grabbed it and checked. A habit I should probably break but what can I say It's 2017. My heart froze a little when I saw I got a message from Maalik. A little too quick I swiped and read his message, "Woah what are you a professional poet... You could beat Shakespeare with your writing." He sent a laughy face after. That made me smile and I started typing, "I bet you're not too bad yourself." I used a smiley face. Our conversation lasted a long time to the point where I passed out in my desk chair. Soon the another buzz woke me from my short nap then I settled into the comfort of my bed, the warm covers enveloped me. Then I read the text, "I love talking to you. I can't wait to hang with out at your double sweet 16..? Is that okay?" He seemed nervous and that was cute. His texts gave me a warm feeling in my chest and I laughed lightly but It came out weird since I was super tired... And starving. Quietly I hurried down the stairs and opened the fridge. The cool air made me shiver as I quickly grabbed a bag of sliced up apples, then before I knew it my ears picked up quiet whispers and I realized it was my mom, Tyler, and Tiana. Tiptoeing quietly I hid just to the side of the entrance of my living room to listen in, "We have to tell mom sometime." My sister pleaded sounding desperate, "We will do none of the that," My mom hissed. What were they up to? I heard someone walking quickly my way I rushed out the front door closing it quietly, I panted there for a couple of minutes. My sister stayed in the kitchen... Damnit. I walked to the side of my house and looked up at my window... Here goes nothing.


Soon enough I was in the emergency room, and I did something I never did. I cried. My wrist hurt so bad I couldn't believe it and somehow the word got out so in front of me where Maalik and Jordan. Two of the toughest people I know seeing me scream and cry. I was loosing my reputation. My sister just stood at the foot of the door looking guilty, she tried to walk over to me and I glared then started crying again. Soon enough I had a brace on my wrist. They said it would heal in a couple of days and that I was lucky I hadn't broken anything, well it sure felt like it. Guess I would be going to 'My' Sweet 16 with a sprained wrist. Maalik helped me up and smiled weakly while as Jordan was on my other side and side hugged me, damn I loved these two. "Hey what was with the stink eye to Tiana." He whispered into my ear so no one else heard, "Meet me at the coffee shop tomorrow around 10 and we can talk about it," I replied in a whisper so just Jordan and Maalik could hear, Jordan looked confused but she nodded anyway. By the time I got home I was so tired I was acting drunk, I pulled on Maalik's sleeve when I got into bed and whined everytime he tried to leave. So Carmen being the sweet mom she was said he could stay over and Jordan too. So I guess I could just tell them in the morning. Jordan got out a mat from my bedroom and Maalik set up a pillow and stole on of my blankets, so he could sleep next to the head of my bed.

Soon the room was filled with the sound of Maalik's soft snores... And Jordan's not so light snores. But before I knew it sleep K.O. -ed me and I was taken to a deep deep sleep.

The morning air was filled with the aroma of hashbrowns and sausage while the air was filled with snores that slowly came to a stop. My stomach growled and clawed at me causing me to hunch over I was starving! I slowly crawled out of bed just barely missing Maalik then thought whether I should wake them up or not, the answer was yes. "Wooo! Breakfast!" I screamed from the top of my lungs in my scratchy morning voice. Soon enough I heard groans and some cuss words. I giggled as I quickly went down the stairs, "Careful don't wanna break your leg too." It was Carmen who was cooking. "I only sprained my wrist. Also, why are you in the kitchen this fine morning?" I asked yawning. She raised an eyebrow slightly as she set down a plate of food in front of me on the island. "Other Mother is in a weird mood, thought I should let her sleep." I nodded slowly what's up with Tyler and Tiana? I shoved a big spoonful of hashbrowns in my mouth and drooled. "Wow, you didn't mess these up!" I exclaimed in a joking voice then before I knew it I was swatted in the back of the head and I turned around to see Jordan with crazy bed head and a grumpy face. "I think Carmen is a wonderful cook," She smiled as she took a plate. Then came in Maalik he kissed the top of my head then flicked me, I blushed then made a stank face at him. "Here," Carmen said while handing me two piles, "Hm?" I looked up confused, "Painkillers, eat them after you eat." I nodded slowly and shoved another huge bite in my mouth and drooled slightly. I was so hungry I would eat dirt and be happy. After I ate I swallowed down the pills and grabbed a cup of joe while waiting for them to finish, "Where's the brat?" I asked in an obviously annoyed voice. Carmen looked shocked then shook her head slightly, "Tiana, Not brat, is sleeping." She said with a stern look, my tone even caught Maalik's and Jordie's gazes. I raised my eyebrows then nodded slightly before going into the living room and watching my favorite show on Netflix. I would find out what they were up to and I would tell Carmen. First, they ruin some of my day with Jordan's late celebration and now they sprain my wrist? I sighed and finished off my coffee.

Dear reader, Sorry it's late and a short part, I have been busy with other things but I hope you enjoy this part and the next one with come soon hopefully! Lots of drama coming... XD

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