Chapter 4: Happy F*cking Birthday

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After the words of my suspicions filled both of my friend's ears, they nodded quietly as they listened to me rant and spit out every thought and idea that I had.

"She said that they wouldn't tell Carmen?" asked Jordan in a somewhat of a shaky voice, she was part of our family so if something bad happened Jordan would be scared. I nodded slightly biting a little too hard on the inside of my bottom lip. The tangy iron liquid filled my voice. I squished some water back and forth in my mouth. "Well the party starts in," I paused as I unlocked my phone to look at the time, "2 and a half hours so I need to go to my hair appointment my sister booked for me. Maybe she'll slip." I shrugged lightly feeling the grudge tighten as sister left my throat. "I love them but damn I am so pissed." The acid-tinted my tone, as if I was about to punch something. I held back on my urge and grabbed my phone, ear buds, and journal. Jordan went downstairs to help Tyler and Carmen cater for the party and Maalik walked with me to the mall that wasn't too far, "So Jamie, the new kid is he coming?" Maalik's raspy voice filled the cool afternoon air. "Yeah. I invited him, cute boy." I murmured still my thoughts were jumbled with all the scenarios that could be going on between my mothers. Well Tyler and my sister. "Cute?" His voice seemed tense, My brown eyes met his sparkly black ones, "In a new kid kind of way, why?" I asked a fuzzing feeling coated the inside of my throat. He raised an eyebrow and seemed to calm down, once again his raspy voice filled the cool air. "Just wondering..." And just before I could tease him about being jealous my sister greeted us at the entrance of our small mall. "Hey, Maalik! Hey, Agnes... Sorry to keep you up all night Maalik when my sister is hurt she gets kind of clingy." Her smile looked deceiving and dirty. Her eyes were slightly narrowed and her lips were pouty. "I think it's cute..." He murmured smiling down at me, I tried to return a smile but It probably looked bitter. "Tiana stop flirting and let's just get this hair thing over with." I spat at her before quickly walking toward the hair salon in my ratted converse. I loved them but I was due for a new pair... That would be painful. Tiana's hair was long almost down to her hips, all I heard when she was in the chair next to me was that she wanted a trim and some vintage curls for the party since that was the theme. Tho I had no interest. My hair was getting a little too long and I preferred it short. Well, medium. But f*ck it I want something different. Jordan would be proud of me, and Tiana was going to scream I could imagine it already. For Maalik? I have no idea. As the hair stylist put a small section of hair on the left side of my hair in a pony then cut it short. The sound of the buzzer filled my ears and my heart pounded as I looked in the mirror. Screw vintage.

"AGNES CONROY!" Tiana squealed, Maalik ran into the hair salon with half of a soft pretzel falling out of his flesh colored lips. It fell out as his jaw opened slightly at the side of my hair. I laughed then played with my hair, I got around three inches chopped off as well as part of it shaved. I was happy that's all that mattered, and I was hoping for my sister to throw a fit. I craved to spit in her face. "THAT ISN'T VINTAGE!" Her annoying squeal filled the air. The hairdressers covered their mouth as they tried not to laugh at my sister. Her voice went up several octaves and she sounded like a little kid. I felt myself shrug and I smiled slightly, "Okay, so?" I could feel a smug expression fill my face, I ran my hand through it once more. "Okay. Okay. It's fine." She huffed, then gave me that look. Oh, the look. I clenched my fists unable to contain myself. "Wipe that look off your face before I do it myself," I growled at her, Her expression changed immediately and she backed away slowly. Her floral high heels didn't help much only making her slip a little. "I. Am. Tired. Of. You." I spit out once more, as I marched out of the hair salon. My huffs and gasps for air filled the small food court as I tried to calm myself. How dare she? Scheming behind my back then having the guts to give me her judgment look. The look I hated, she knew that. Brat.

Only ten minutes passed but it felt like an eternity of fist clenching and holding back hot tears. My hands dripped with the tangy iron liquid that filled my mouth this morning. Soon I felt arms around my shoulders the smell of an unfamiliar cologne and maple filled my nose. I looked toward the person, Jamie. His expression was worried and I couldn't help but lean into his embrace. Tho I tried to act tough I loved hugs. I didn't realize until Jamie wiped my cheek that I was crying. Twice in a week. I grumbled lightly then just laid my head on his shoulder trying to fix my staggered breathing. "Agnes? Agnes?!" I heard two people call, A feminine and raspy masculine voice filled Jamie's and my ears. "What?" my voice didn't sound like my own, it sounded hoarse and expressionless. Jamie's arms squeezed me lightly, "Shh.." He hummed into my ears, "Relax." He spoke in a calm and quiet voice. The two's gaze fixed upon me, my eyes felt puffy and irritated. Maybe today wasn't a good idea to wear contacts, Jamie slowly lets go of my slightly shaking frame and I took a deep breath in and exhaled it. "What was all that about?" Tiana exclaimed clearly playing innocent but I was tired and all of my tears and angry left my body. "Nothing..." I managed to murmur. Slowly I got up and started toward the exit before I stopped and ordered a Chai Tea latte. It's warm contents filled my uneasy stomach, then after it arrived I realized how hungry I was so I ordered a blueberry muffin. Lounging back on the couch I finished it and my eyes lifted as Maalik entered the small shop. "Hey," He said as he made his way over to sit next to me. The couch deepened and hugged me. "Are you okay?" His dark eyes had me drowning. I looked away quickly, "Yeah." Was all I could manage. I wanted to be home, to be in Carmen's embrace. To tell her everything. But what could I tell her?

Soon enough we were setting up for the party I helped Tyler cook and set up chips, while Tiana finished decorations with Jordan. The boys just goofed around. Tiana was dressed in a vintage lace sunflower dress with her hair curled and pinned up while I had my new hairstyle wavy and I was dressed in a ruffly top and a high waisted skirt. My mothers looked lovely as well. While Maalik was dressed like a greaser and well Jamie... Just looked like Jamie. Jamie always wore a button-up shirt with an interesting pattern on it and some slightly ripped skinny jeans. Soon Tiana's friends got to the party and some boys I didn't really know. I just chatted and laughed with my friends, friends being Jordan, Jamie, and Maalik.

Soon the night progressed and I felt weird, there was loud music and the drink I grabbed tasted different. My moms already left to give us some time to the guests. Tho they were just upstairs I still felt weird and kind of dizzy. Tiana was dancing with someone I couldn't make out his features. Suddenly a familiar smell overwhelmed me and as I turned around I embraced them, my fingers wrapped themselves in their hair. They smelled like my drink too, alcohol? How did alcohol get in the drinks? Soon enough I was being carried to my room and my body heated up pulling them down and pressing my lips against their slightly chapped ones. And to my disoriented surprise, they kissed me back.

The morning light shown through my navy blue curtains and I rubbed my eyes. My head pounded and felt as if someone bashed me against a wall. As I sat up slowly I felt someone under the covers, clearly asleep since they were so limp and lifeless... Lifeless. I quickly threw off the covers to see one of my friends passed out and without a shirt, I quickly looked to myself I was fully clothed and relieved. But was this the person I had kissed? My heart flooded with mixed emotions from the blurs that happened last night. It felt so unreal and confusing.

Hope you all enjoyed! I am working on some drawing of the characters so hopefully, I'll get the main characters art pieces done and have them in the next chapter! :)

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