Chapter 6: Wanting Better Days

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A cool chill ran down my spine as I tossed and turned in my bed, I would never forget the touch of her soft fingertips on my skin. Her lips on mine. Though I would try my hardest to because if I didn't I could never let her be free. I am selfish. I have feelings for two, that and one is a boy one is a girl. I don't even love or know myself that well so how am I supposed to know and love someone else? I hated that I was distant with Tiana she would help me through this if she wasn't getting people to bring alcohol to our birthday parties.

A sigh left my lips as I slowly sat up, I needed sleep because of school but at the same time. I didn't give a... damn. I couldn't help but check the clock, it read "10:30" a groan left my lips. Soon a creak filled the silent hallway. Tiptoeing to my mothers' room I peeked in. Carmen laid alone on the bed watching a movie, I crept in and snuggled into the blankets. "What are you doing awake, love?" Her soft voice made my eyes droop. "Can't slee-."

As I fell into the darkness of the comforting thing called sleep something filled my mind. A soft thumping, of a drum. The drum that fills me with life, my heart. "Don't question me." It seemed to warn.

Light crept through the white curtains slowly my eyes found the sheets of the bed. It was empty, as I got up and stretched a long yawn left me. Quickly I got dressed, plaid jacket with a white tank top and some ripped jeans. The comforting smell of coffee filled my nose as I rushed down stairs, I grabbed a closed large cup filled with coffee and creamer before leaving with my backpack barely on my shoulder. "Agnes wai-"

Soon I reached school and smiled as Jamie walked up to me, he pulled me into a tight hug and I sighed as his scent filled my nose. "I missed you," I couldn't help but mumbled into his ear. "Rough birthday weekend?" He asked with a smile as he let me go, he already knew how rough it was. I nodded just wanting to forget. We sat on a bench under an aspen tree as he finished up some homework and I sang along quietly to the music from my phone that was only loud enough for someone within five feet to hear. I hadn't seen Jordan yet, the girl that I saw on the first week glared at me then walked inside the school. I looked up to see Maalik's dark eyes on me, he looked away immediately.

Soon the bell rang, Jamie and I hugged slightly then I rushed off to my first class. The classroom soon filled up with students. It seemed to drag on, the sound of the teacher's tired voice, the flipping of notebooks, the screeching sound of a dry marker on the whiteboard. Finally, I moved onto my other classes and before I knew it the lunch bell rang. Music to my ears, rushing down the hall I bumped into a familiar face. "Oof-" I rubbed my head as my brown eyes met his sparkly black ones. "Agnes, watch out..." He mumbled. I felt my heart tug at my ribs, I nodded slowly before walking to the lunch line. "Wait!" He exclaimed a little too loudly. Other students looked at what looked like a dramatic movie scene, "What?" I couldn't help but whisper, my eyes welled with tears. I bit my lip too hard and the tangy metallic taste touched my taste buds. Maalik lightly held my arm as I refused to make eye contact, "I'm sorry Agnes, eat lunch with me?" He asked softly trying to find my eyes under my hair. I couldn't suppress a sniffle then I nodded slightly just wanting to be alone for a moment.

He let go. Soon I found him under my tree and he smiled at me, I tried to return it. I set my tray down and took a small bite of the chicken burger they were serving today. "Hey," I finally spoke in a quiet voice. "I like your poems and stories." He said with a soft smile, a sigh left him and his expression changed. "Are you with Jamie?" He blurted out. I couldn't help but laugh, some food fell from my lips. He glared at me, "No no no." I finally spoke an amused smile painted my lips. Maalik looked relieved and I nudged him softly with my elbow. "Is that why you were being so aggressive toward me?"

"Kind of, I'm sorry."

"It's all good, but if I were, to be honest, you know the night of my party?"


"Someone put beer or something in the punch and I ended up making out with a close friend of mine... And it's been awkward and really hard for me to get over it." I felt the words rush out of my mouth and I couldn't look at him. My eyes started to water over and I looked at the blurry grass. A small daisy stood alone and beamed up at me, it's pearly petals and sunny middle making me want to pick it and keep it forever. I refrained. Soon I felt a warm larger hand cover mine, his thumb ran over the back of my palm.

"It's okay and I'm here for you," His raspy voice comforted me, I used my free hand to wipe some stray tears off my cheek and I met his gaze. We smiled genuinely at each other then I couldn't help but laugh softly.

Hello reader, glad you're sticking to the story tho it may be boring lol. This part is short but I've been busy since I just started high school and I am a freshman... Also, my writer's block is gone for the most part so stay tuned if you would like! don't forget to vote if you like my story!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2017 ⏰

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