Chapter Five

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Once Christmas approached, Sirius grudgingly was forced to spend Christmas at home. True he could have refused point blank, and stayed hidden in his dormitory, refusing to board the train. But he didn't want to deal with the backlash.

Although h really only wanted to see Reggie.

Christmas in the Black household had been a tense affair when Sirius had returned from Hogwarts. His parents still hadn't 'forgiven' him for being sorted into Gryffindor. Sirius' mother Walburgua and his father Orion barley acknowledged him at all. But to be fair, Sirius preferred it like that.

Regulus, who had missed his older brother, snuck into his room each night. In these night time meet ups, Sirius would tell detailed stories of Hogwarts and the Marauders.

So maybe they hadn't actually fought the giant squid, but Regulus wasn't to know.

But Regulus didn't seem to mind his melodramatic stories he was just content having his brother back, and Sirius didn't care that his parents hated him, he had missed his younger brother and Regulus felt the same way. So it was wonderful ...until Christmas Day that is.

It has started off normally. Sirius and Regulus being woken up at the crack of dawn, well 7:30, but Sirius still felt that was  too early. Followed by their mother instructing them to dress in one of their better robes, ones that have their family crest on.

Next, the rest of their family arrived, joining them at the table. His mother and father sat at the head seats. Sirius sat at his fathers right hand side, since he was heir.

But then they started talking about filthy 'Half-breeds' and dirty 'mud-bloods' and how they shouldn't be allowed into society or be allowed at Hogwarts, and for some reason Sirius' blood boiled at his words, and he did something stupid.

"Well actually, my friend Remus is a half-blood and he's the smartest wizard in my year alongside Lilly Evans, a muggle born." As soon as the words left his mouth, his eyes widened. He looked at his parents, nervously licking his lips. Most of his family looked at him, a look of repulse shining in their grey eyes.

Sure Remus was an amazing guy, I mean he took a detention for Sirius, you just don't meet such honest guys these days. But really, Sirius shouldn't have stuck up for him, he would never have found out that Sirius had passed the opportunity to stick up for him! Sirius should have let it be . But no, instead, he just had to anger his mental mother.

He watched as rage crossed his mothers face, making it ugly and pinched looking as she jumped up, pushing a glass off of the table, making it shatter.

Nobody cared about the glass, as everyone in the room just stared at the scene unfolding in front of them.

Walburgua took three strides until she stood directly beside Sirius. She towered over him, and before he could react, her hand cracked across his face, snapping it back and causing his head to reel sickeningly as it slammed into the chair back. The slap was as loud as a clap and stung his face. It was a forceful blow and had left a big red welt behind. Just below his eye was a small cut where one of her many expensive rings had caught him. He clutched his face, eyes watering, looking up at his mother.

"Disgrace to the family." She hissed. She took a deep breath, reclaiming her seat. She looked at Sirius, as if he was dirt.

"Room. Now." She spat. Sirius didn't care that he hadn't even started eating, he leaped out of his seat and ran towards his room.

He so wanted to slam the door shut, but thought better of it, so slowly shut it instead. Then he fell against the door and sobbed. He didn't even try to stop himself.

His mother had always been heavy handed with her children, but Merlins beard it had never ached so badly.

He slowly made his way towards the mirror hanging in his room. He could see the cut, and the bruise forming around it. And then he truly realised how wrong and twisted his family was, how wrong and twisted he had been.

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