Chapter thirty eight

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Sorry this has taken so long. I had mocks so literally spent all my time revising. But I'm on Christmas holidays so I'll try and write a few chapters as well as edit - (ig - Emrysgranger.. love the self promo) But then it's back to revising for GCSE's sigh

also I have so many fanfic ideas and it's so annoying coz I don't have enough time to write them

Also Idk what this chapter is, it sounds as if I was high when writing it (I wasn't I promise)

It had been a relatively quiet Tuesday morning- well as quiet as it could get in a school where the students quite literally could preform magic. Nothing but dull chatter (often accompanied by a rather drawn out yawn) and the occasionally loud sip of tea, could be heard. Even the marauders, infamous for causing mischief and incredible trouble for their peers, remained slumped in their seats, drained. Well, almost all of them.

James Potter was absent.

The group of boys had silently made their way into the hall this morning, arriving with the hazel eyed boy no where in sight. They'd then sat down in their usual spot- not even leaving a gap for James, before grabbing some food. They barely spoke however, focusing on their toast, and exchanging looks every so often.

Despite the rest of the school being slightly suspicious over the marauders, they collectively decided to enjoy the chance to actually enjoy the most important meal of the day. Usually half of the student population would be lining up outside the infirmary with complaints of a headache by now.

Of course, however, this nice, beautiful, quiet time, would not last.

It was about halfway through breakfast when it all broke loose. First, there was a faint noise, which gradually built until you could hear trumpets playing. As in big, shiny, brass, wind blowing trumpets. Soon after, drums joined in, beating down loud and hard- Mary McDonald told everyone that it had caused her to bounce of the bench she was sat at! Of course, this was only the beginning, because moments later fucking flutes where added, playing something akin to the swan lake. Of course this just messed up the patriotic feel the other instruments where already playing; clashing entirely.

"Could this get any worse?" Sirius groaned. Little did he know that yes, yes it could get very much worse. Because then, a harp, yes a fucking harp, was brung into the mix, very, very off key.

"That was rhetorical!" Sirius cried, banging his head to the table absolutely exasperated.

Then to bring an end to it all, a piano began to play, which Sirius swears is fucked up as they usually play at the start, or at least during the buildup, not at the height of the score. But of course, his complaints really didn't do anything for the commotion. In fact, it started to grow louder.

Heads turned to the marauders, not even fazed at the spectacle in front of them, because honestly this was at least a weekly thing from the four Gryffindors. But to everyone's utter shock, the boys didn't look proud whatsoever, in fact they almost looked surprised.

Then smoke appeared from the corner of the room, and out stepped James don't stare Sirius it's rude Potter, in robes that quite frankly made Dumbledore's look tame.

Sirius shook his head, quite appalled that this was his choice for best friend.

James took a step forward, robs swishing around him as he let a smile engulf his face. His hand reached into his pocket, searching, until he pulled out a bouquet of flowers, multicoloured and drooping as though they where basically dead. James shook his head, but nevertheless still stalked towards the Gryffindor table.

"Oi Evans, go Hogsmede with me!" James basically screamed at the poor girl, pushing the roses into her face, so that she tumbled back and tripped onto the table- spilling a jug of pumpkin juice everywhere.

"For fuck sake James." Sirius cries, his head falling into his hand. He'd willingly chosen to be this stupid idiots friend. For a brief moment he understood his parents shame. He'd spent all night, and he meant all night, lecturing James on why this would be the biggest failure ever if he attempted this beyond idiotic plan.

He clearly hadn't listened.

All eyes turned to Lily, who'd turned beetroot red. As in her hair painfully clashed with her face, and she looked to be in actual physical pain. Well, Sirius couldn't blame her. Literally the entire school, the students, staff and even the ghosts eyes where on her- waiting for her answer.

"I'd rather shit in my hands and clap." She answers, pursing her lips. At that, Sirius is pretty sure he hears some fifth years yelling "ohhhh" somewhere in the background, but all he notices is how James smile slips off his face.

"So is that a no?" You wouldn't be able to tell, but Sirius is obviously James' soulmate, so can clearly tell, that there is an edge to his voice that hints at the fact he's on the edge of a breakdown. Which he knows James would be mortally embarrassed if anyone would see it.

Although, would crying in front of the school be worse than being turned down by the 'love of you life' after creating a magic band for her?


"I'm not even going to dignify you with an answer." Evans huffed, grabbing her school bag and rushing out of the hall; Marlene and Mary following close behind.

Before they reached the door, Marlene swung around, narrowed her eyes and did a im watching you gesture towards James.

The boy gulped.

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