Chapter Fifteen

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"I hate astronomy. It's the worst subject ever, getting up at this time should be a crime!" James cried dramatically as he climbed the stairs leading to the tallest tower, punctuating his sentence with a loud, drawn out yawn.

"I don't mind it actually, it's my favourite lesson. I find looking at the stars soothing." Sirius told him in a dreamy state, climbing the final stair, and leaning over to catch his breath. Wow, did he need to work out. Especially if he wanted to join the Quidditch team next year.

"But, your terrible at Astronomy! I bet you couldn't even name a single star or, what's its system thing!" James challenged, still yawning, as they stood at the top of the stairs.

"Sirius." He replied almost instantly. James looked confused, looking at Sirius as if he had just started doing acrobatics in the middle of class.

"Not your name you idiot!" James shot back, rubbing the feeling back into his legs.

"But my name is a star constellation, the Dog Star." Sirius answered, smirking at the look that crossed James' face.

"Okay, any other star that isn't your first name." James shot back, determined to beat Sirius.

"Orion." Sirius said, pulling down a finger, as if counting in his head.

"I said not your name!" James cried, rather childishly, but he was tired, so who could blame him?

"James, let's be honest, I just have to think of my family tree, and I have every single star name written down for me." James looked at Sirius, before sighing.

"Your an idiot."

"So you've said."

They quickly joined the rest of the students, who were all standing around a large telescope in the middle of the room, also earning an annoyed look from their professor.

"How nice of you to finally join us boys." The professor crooned as they entered the classroom. James gave a sheepish shrug, whilst Sirius rolled his eyes, earning an elbow in the gut from James.

"Sorry Professor, James wouldn't wake up." James eyes widened before turning into a glare directed straight at Sirius, who gave him an innocent look. The professor narrowed her eyes ever so slightly, before looking away and carrying on with her lesson.

"As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted," she paused to give the two boys a hard stare," this term we will be focussing on the phases of the moon."

Remus flinched slightly, but no one noticed, well no one except Sirius.

"Each of you will be receiving a calendar, with the moon phases printed on, that way your mundane brains won't be pressured to do too much work." She raised an eyebrow, looking at Sirius and James. Sirius had a feeling that this teacher didn't like them very much.

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