Chapter Thirty Three

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Mrs Potter had healed his hand. Muttering a spell with a tight lipped smile. She looked furious, and though some part of Sirius feared it was due to him, he knew her anger was directed at someone else.

Soon after the cuts had disappeared under her trained hand, she'd sent him to bed, claiming he looked drained and needed to rest. He didn't argue. He felt exhausted and everything hurt. He wanted to just fall onto the mattress and sleep away the pain.

At some point James had come knocking at his door, asking if he was okay. He'd said yes.

Sirius had lied.

He didn't know what had happened earlier, but it was horrible. Almost as bad as being locked in the room with a boggart. Maybe worse.

He couldn't breathe, and his chest hurt. For a moment he wondered if he was dying.


Sirius found himself staring at the ceiling, thinking of nothing in particular. Or maybe he was. Everything that went into his mind was just all jumbled together, until it was a blur of nothingness.

He wished he hadn't sent James away earlier. He wished that he had invited him into the room, because now, sat here left to his own thoughts, it was horrible.


"Are you feeling better?" Mr Potter asked in the morning, as Sirius walked into the kitchen. Sirius frowned at the sight of an uneaten plate of pasta sat untouched on the side. Mrs Potter had gone to all that trouble to cook for him, and he was ungrateful and ruined it. Like usual.

"I'm fine, thank you." He whispered out, turning away from the pasta. Fleamount pulled a look, as though he didn't trust Sirius's words.

"James is outside, it's finally sunny- I know, odd considering we live in Britain. But get some breakfast down you, and go join him." Sirius gave him a polite smile.


"Okay, if we want to be more than just backups in case the real players are injured, we need to train and show them we are the best Qudditch players this school will ever see." James ranted, throwing him broom in the air as he spoke.

Wincing as he accidentally looked at the burning ball of light, Sirius grimaced. He had always hated summer; it was always too hot- uncomfortably so. Much like today, with the sun high in the sky, Sirius could already feel the sweat dripping from his forehead, he regretted venturing outside. He should have stayed in the nice cool room the Potters had given him, complimented by the added cooling charm.

"Please, once they see me play, they'll not even look at you." Sirius scoffed, flicking his hair, that was in dire need of a haircut, and laughing lightly.

"What happened last year then?" James countered, glaring playfully at his best friend. Sirius huffed. It was true, last year he'd utterly failed at the tryouts.

"I was sick."

"Is that so?" James hummed, walking over to the box or Qudditch supplies.

"Yep, summer cold." Sirius told him, running over to help. He hasn't lied though, last year he could barely stop himself from sneezing every 2 seconds, and more often than not, failed and disturbed all his lessons.


"I'm so done with life." James panted, glasses askew, hair sticking to his head due to the sweat, face red- assuring that he rather resembled a beetroot.

"James, we've been playing for 15 minutes." Sirius judged, grabbing his hair and pulling it into a bun. He was exhausted, yet somehow he felt exhilarated. There was something about it, the adrenaline rushing through you that he loved. The wind against his face, he just felt free.

"I'm dying." James huffed, leaning on his broom as if it would stable him. Everything hurt. His arms ached. His legs ached. Even his face ached. Well, maybe that was from the ball Sirius smacked him in the face with.

"Again, 15 minutes." Sirius smirked, trying to refrain from laughing at his best friend, whom was currently laying on the grass reaching up towards the sky.

"I'm slipping away!" He whispered, hands clenching together as he shut his eyes.

"And you want to get into the Qudditch team how..." Sirius trailed off, grabbing his broom from the ground.

"Eugh, fine. Don't come to my funeral either." James sighed, rolling over and pushing himself up.

"I- I have no words."

A bit of a short chapter, butttt, they're back at Hogwarts next chapter and things get steamy ( well not that much, considering their underage!!)

Question, if I was to write a modern wolfstar au, would you guys read it? It would hopefully be a lot better than this book

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