Housing in Rivendell

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  The company was seated at a fine table and we were served salad, bread, and wine while Elven servants played music with harps and flutes. I sat at the corner of the table close to Thorin, Gandalf and Elrond, but close enough to the company to keep an eye on them.

Ori stared at a piece of lettuce in his hand.
"Try it. Just a mouthful." Said Dori.
  "I don't like green food." Ori put it down.

On the other side of the table Dwalin looked around in his bowl of salad. "Where's the meat?"
"Have they got any chips?" Ori looked up and down the table.

I caught Kili staring at the Elf maiden who was playing the harp, and I pinched the bridge of my nose when he winked at her. He then looked to find Dwalin scowling at him.
  "I-I can't say I fancy Elf maids myself, too thin." He covered. "They're all high cheekbones and creamy skin. Not enough facial hair for me." He glanced at a Elf passing by. "Although, that one there is not bad."

I looked up then smiled and whispered to Kili. "That's not an Elf maid." The Elf turned revealing the face of a young male Elf.
Kili looked back at us with a red face and the company laughed.

The music played on and Oin stuffed his hearing pipe with his napkin. I turned my attention to Thorin, Gandalf and Elrond, who was examining Thorin's sword that was found in the Troll Cave.

"This is Orcrist, the Goblincleaver." Said Elrond. "A famous blade forged by the High Elves of the West, my kin." He handed it back to Thorin. "May it serve you well."

"Told you to keep it." I whispered to Thorin. He looked at me and shook his head, but there was a glimmer of guilt in his eyes.

Gandalf handed Elrond his sword, the Elf unsheathed the blade. "And this is Glamdring the Foehammer. Sword of the King of Gondolin. These were made for the Goblin Wars of the First Age."
Elrond handed the sword back to Gandalf.

"How did you come by these?"
"We found them in a Trollhoard on the Great East Road, shortly before we were ambushed by Orcs." Gandalf answered.
"And what were you doing on the Great East Road?" Elrond asked.
"Excuse me." Thorin stood up.
  "Where are you going?" I quietly asked. He didn't answer and left.

"Thirteen Dwarves, a Woman, and a Halfling. Hm." Elrond looked around. "Strange traveling companions, Gandalf."
  "These are the descendants of the House of Durin." Gandalf replied. "They're noble, decent folk. And they're surprisingly cultured. They've got a deep love of the arts."

Elrond turned to me. "And I suppose you're along for the ride?"
I put down my napkin after wiping my mouth. "Actually I am Thorin's wife."
"Is that so?" Elrond looked at Gandalf.
"Yes, that's quite right, Larewen and Thorin met when Thror held the throne." Gandalf answered.
"So you two have been companions for quite some time." Elrond looked to me.
"That is correct, in that case, I must apologize for his pessimistic attitude, he means well." I said.

Nori turned in his seat to the harp player behind him. "Change the tune, why don't you? I feel like I'm at a funeral."
"Did somebody die?" Oin looked around.

"Alright lads. There's only one thing for it." Bofur stood up and climbed onto his table. "Theres..." I put my hands to my temples and rested my elbows on the table as Bofur belted out the first words of a Dwarf folk song. "An inn, there's an inn, there's a merry old inn beneath an old gray hill." The Dwarves joined in.

Soon enough they were throwing food around.
  "I am so sorry." I said to Elrond. All he did was look around at the commotion. They finished the song by throwing their salads in the air and laughing. Kili threw a potato and it almost hit Lindir who stood by a statue next to Elrond, instead it hit the well crafted statue and left a splat of white potato flesh.

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