The Mechanic and The Clown

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"I'm just saying it'll be better if I drive," Tony explained, persistently. The others, Rhodey, Pepper and Happy had put up with his eccentricities for long enough.
"Tony, it's just a car!" Pepper yelled, trying to get herself heard over Tony's repetitive complaints, her ginger hair tied in a neat high ponytail as usual.

Tony was still agitated, it was his first time being driven around since the accident, the one he never talked about. The accident that changed his life.
"I don't like being driven around," Tony admitted. Why did everything he wanted or had the slightest opinion on need to be debated on to full-length?? Every. Time.

"I thought it was "I don't like being handed things"?" Rhodey smirked from the front passenger seat.
"That too," Tony nodded in acknowledgment,"But points off for the sarcasm, that's my playing field. And could someone PLEASE turn that music DOWN!"

Back in Black was playing on the radio, it brought back dark memories, it was playing at the time of the accident in Gulmira and Tony could not listen to it the same way since.

"I'm sorry Happy," an exasperated Pepper sighed, leaning forward to converse with the driver calmly. "Can you turn the music down? Tonys having one of his diva moments."

Happy tried many buttons but whatever he did he couldn't turn the radio off. Strangely, every other station was airing the same song. "Happy just turn the darn thing off!" Tony yelled, pretending to bang his head against the window. It wasn't that that he had started drinking again, but everyone seemed oblivious to the fact Tony suffered from the occasional anxiety attack.
"I'm trying!" Happy cried, helplessly pressing the off button repeatedly , "you're the tech genius you come and fix it!"

This was normal in the like of Tony Stark.

Suddenly the music stopped and Happy parked up outside a building on the outskirts of town. Instead of music, a grovelling and oh so familiar voice sounded, " Why so serious?"

Tony stiffened, pale faced, eyes widened and the only thought in his mind was "How can he still be alive?"

"Who the Hell is that?" Rhodey questioned, spotting a figure through the windshield. As always, Tony was one step ahead. He leaped out of the car and ran to get a closer look at this new threat dressed in purple. The Joker.

Suddenly, the building that Happy had parked up by blew up, collapsing onto the car. Luckily Rhodey and Happy had managed to escape with no more than a few scratches but Pepper was still inside the car blundered with rubble, unconscious...

Angry, fists clenched and vengeful, Tony ordered through his ear piece, "Jarvis, deploy!"
At high speeds, each part of the armour flew onto Tony until the entire Iron Man suit had been assembled in all it's glory. Tony had The Joker in his sights, "You've just made things personal."

The Mechanic and The Clown (Robert Downey Jr/The Joker)Where stories live. Discover now