Chapter 7

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"Oh Tony, still trying to measure up to daddy," Obadiah sneered, the tips of his fingers gripped at a thick cigar, "you're just a child sitting in the passenger seat, copying your father and trying to drive the car."

I forcibly removed my arm from Obadiah's strong hold, "I got outta the car a long time ago," I spat, I hated that guy, "and it's been working pretty well for me since!"

I was in a crowded room, buzzing with a hoard of famous people and some Stark Industries employees. Across the room, I saw Pepper chatting away to Phil and wait... Was that Yinsen with them?

What the hell was going on? This was one crazy trip!

"Tony, Tony, Tony, take my advice, give up the Iron Man job," Obadiah pressed, his vulgar smoky breath intruded on my personal space, "You're not the one to make the sacrifice play, to let the other guy cut the wire and crawl over you."

"I think I would just cut the wire," I retorted, causally taking a drink of my dry Martini, why was I drinking again? That was odd.. Even the path this conversation was taking had an awfully familiar ring to it..

"You're not a hero Tony," Obadiah continued, and had the audacity to rest his arm on my shoulder.

"I beg to differ," I wasn't someone he could lean on, i never have been.

"The world does not need heroes," his tune had changed, he knew I was never going to trust him, "what I had planned was much better, you have no defences."
"You're crazy old man Obee," I retaliated, having had just about enough of this. "I'm more of a hero than you can imagine. Have you met my friends? The Avengers? You see if we can't defend the Earth you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it!"

Obadiah gave a horrendous, chesty laugh, taunting me, "How will your 'friends' have time for that, when they're so busy fighting you?"

Reindeer games.. Obadiah had stolen those words from that Deranged Rock of Ages guy.. Loki.

Before I could realise what was going on, Obadiah grabbed me from my white collar, taunting me, "Every hero has his greatest foe. That one person who shows the hero who they really are, pushes them to the edge. Tell me Tony... Are you ready to take that leap?"

"You think I'm gonna lose?"Man! He didn't know me at all then!

"It's what always happens," Obadiah leaned in, whispering in my ear, his voice sounding exactly like... The Joker, "madness as you know is like gravity, all it takes is a little... Push."

"Ah!" I gasped, waking myself up, that was real trippy, "I swear these nightmares are getting weirder!"
I looked around, I was still on my private jet, the seat belt loose around
me. I had planned to meet a good friend of mine seeing as Rhodey and Pepper were out of the question.

"Are you alright Mr Stark?" One of the handful of air hostesses came to my aid.

"Fine thank you," I nodded, reassuring the young lady who wore a concerned look over her face, "But you could tell me where we are."

"We are flying over Australian waters, we'll landing in a quarter of an hour," she informed with a smile, "will that be all Mr Stark."

I nodded again, without saying a word, indicating for the young woman to go, I had heard enough. Leaning over, I peered out one of the small windows in the plane, below I spotted an island isolated in the blue ocean, "So this is where the big guy is taking his 'vacation'!"

(Authors note: sorry for the lack of updates recently for this story, But I hope you liked this chapter, I'm looking forward to showing you all the next one, it's going to move the story on more.

So now Tony's headed to Australia, who do you think he meant by 'big guy'? ;)

Comment your theories of the story and your thoughts of it too!!)

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