Chapter Two Photo Shoot and Gary's Ghosts

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Photographer; Michael can you turn your head to the left a bit like you are talking to someone just out of camera’s view

Michael: Sure: Michael turns his head

Photographer: Turn to your right now Michael

Michael; Like this? He asks

Photographer: Can you put these on? Handing him a pants suit

Michael; Okay. He takes the clothes goes behind the dressing room door and changes into them.

Everything out in the studio was a buzz. The sets were being changed. Lighting sequences and props were being switched. Frank Dileo stopped by to watch and Bill Bray Michael’s head of security watched on as things were done to ensure Michael’s safety with the props and people who came in and out. No one was allowed in without a special marked id badge. Karen Faye who had only been working with Michael a year was one of the only ones who Michael trusted to fix his make up because of his Vitiligo. She had seen it at its worse so far and done wonders to help him hide it when out on stage or in public.

Michael paused to look in the mirror like he had a million times before as Karen came and started to fix his make up and he closed his eyes  Memories of Gary came flooding in.  As a child he thought it was so cool to sit in front of a mirror like this and do his stage make up and work on the costumes his mother had so lovingly and painstakingly made for them. Michael remembered the sights and sounds and smells of it all. Then he remembered when he was first diagnosed with this nasty disease. He thought no one would love him if they knew he was two tone. Not black, but not white, just an ugly spot on the planet. Michael felt tears prick his eyes as those memories and heartaches threatened to spill over. He remembered sitting in the park in Gary alone crying and his best friend Shae found him, his face streaked with tears. Without a hesitation she hugged him and instantly he felt better. When he was calm enough Michael told her what was happening and why he was so upset.

Michael; Shae you don’t understand!! I’m on stage! They’ll hate me! Call me a freak!! I am a freak!! I am!! Look at me, wiping off the make up he always wore for the last 4 months that even Shae didn’t know about and she knew everything. See Shae!! I’m a monster!! A filthy stinking shit sucking monster!! He cried.

Shae; Michael Jackson!! You shut up!! You are no more a monster than I am!! You have a skin disorder and it sucks but it doesn’t change the beautiful person you are!! You are my best friend and I love you more than like but I won’t lie to you either!! When I think you are being an asshole don’t I tell you?? When I think you are wrong don’t I say so?? So you can believe me now when I tell you, Michael Jackson is beautiful inside and out and if the fans love you as I believe they do, they won’t care because its you they love just you, just Michael. She bent to kiss his cheek.

Michael: I love you Shae. You always make me feel better.

A soft smile touches his lips as he opens his eyes and looks in the mirror at Karen’s magic. He catches her eye in the mirror and smiles.

Karen; You like it hon?

Michael; As always Karen thank you.

Karen; You okay?

Michael: Oh sure. Just old ghosts smiling.. let’s do this. One last look in the mirror and he goes out to the studio to finish the shoot.

They had him pose many ways and had him change clothes 7 more times with different themes. One was a Disney setting, another was in a forest and still another they had him standing against a read background and just posing in white pants and brown top and black pants and red top.  The whole time during the shoot he kept going back to Gary and Shae. Or he was thinking about his fans and all the love they had always shown him even when his skin became so light he couldn’t be called a black man anymore. They never called him names or color confused. The fans love me just as I am and fight for me all the time. Shae was right about that. God I miss her he thinks.

Photographer: Okay Michael that’s a wrap!! Good job!! Smiling.

Michael; Thanks smiling back as he heads to the dressing room to change into his regular street clothes.

As Michael was getting ready to go to the limousine Frank stopped him

Frank; Michael, I need you to come by tomorrow we have a proposal I want you to look at for a new album and tour.

Michael; Fraaaaannk!! Come on!! I just finished Bad a few months ago!! I’m exhausted!! Album yes I will do I want to share my music with my fans and give them all I can but no tours Not right now!! Please!! I’ll be there 2 in the afternoon tomorrow

Frank; Thank you kid!! See you. he turns and leaves.

Michael gets into his limousine to head home. Then he remembers the book. Reaching into this briefcase he picks it up and begins flipping through pages again. Some of the poems touched his heart deeply. They brought memories up from the tours with his brothers, his fans, love lost and the love he wanted for himself and never really had. Memories of Gary and Shae flooded around in his head most of them were happy especially those of Shae.. Shae, he should have gone back to find her when he turned 18. Sighing to himself he focuses back on the book. Michael decided once he got back to Neverland he would spend the rest of the day in the park. It always cheered him up.


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