Chapter Seven The Culkins At Neverland

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A car arrives at the main gate of Neverland and the guard asks their business. The driver rolls down the window and says they are the Culkin family invited personally by Michael Jackson. The guard looks at the clip board and sees their name smiles and opens the gate.

Guard: Straight up this drive to your left beyond this little hill here it drops down a few feet and then you will see the main gates of Neverland as you come down on the other side. Enjoy your day here. Mr. Jackson is s good man and is waiting for you.

Mr. Culkin; Thank you; smiles, rolls up window and drives on through the gate.

As the car rounded the small hill on the left they dropped down into the valley. Everyone was in awe. The Culkin children were amazed. Everyone’s eyes were stunned at the beauty of Neverland what their eye could see.

Macauley: Dad: this is it?? Really?!! Grinning.

Mr. Culkin; Giggles, I guess so.

Macauley: But!! OMG!! WOW!! IT’S SO COOL!!

Everyone was excited and talking at once and as they drove up to the house Michael himself walked outside. Michael was smiling as the car stopped and everyone got out of the car. Macauley was looking and smiling at everything. His siblings were jumping with excitement as were their parents. Michael walked over to greet them.

Michael; holding out his hand to shake Mr. Culkins, It’s a pleasure to meet you. I am glad you could make it. Welcome to my home. Welcome to Neverland, he smiled

Mr. Culkin: Shaking his hand. Thank you for inviting us. You have a beautiful place here. Glancing around.

Michael; Thank you; smiling.

Macauley and Rory: Can we right the rides Michael?  Please!! Excitedly.

Michael; Chuckling You sure can. Let me show you all around and we’ll all ride them. Would you like that?

All the children at this point were so excited in unison said gleefully YES!!

Michael: laughed jovially Come on. They got into gulf carts and Michael showed them the entire property. He pointed out key locations like the surrounding seclusion of the hills, the waterfalls, the lake and ponds, the bridge and all the trees and acreage. They went by the cottages on the property, the outbuildings and pools. Michael told them that Neverland has it’s own Firestation with real firemen who work there a fire truck and ambulance and is home to 7 firemen and 1 paramedic always. Even had its own mail station that employs two actual US Postal workers. Plus two of his own staff sort the mail for him as well and make sure it gets to the house each day. Michael showed them the candy store by the park and the children were able to pick candy out of their choosing.  Then Michael took them to the house. They were shown the studio where Michael did all his music and dancing practices. Then Michael took them to the movie theatre in his home and showed them all the rooms and his award room as well as the room he keeps all the gifts from fans in. It was huge and full of all kinds of things. The Culkins then followed Michael back outside for a look at the petting zoo then the rides would be in the afternoon. Michael answered questions and laughed and the family really seemed to have a good time.

Macauley: Wow!! Michael you have giraffes and elephants?  Do you have tigers too?

Rory:  How about a snake? Excitedly

Michael; laughing. I sure do all of it. Want to see the snake? He’s a Python named Muscles.

Kieran: Muscles” That’s funny!! Giggling

Michael; giggles. Yes, but he won’t hurt you I promise. I even have spiders a Tarantula named Oscar.

Macauley: Michael how long did it take you to get all these animals. No one gets mad you have them?

Michael;  Oh, about two years I think, and no. no one gets mad. I have grounds keepers that care for them and make sure they are always healthy and stay within their confines of their cages and homes.

Kieran: Can we pet the sheep and the Llama? That is a Llama right?

Michael: Chuckles at his excitement, Yes you may and my Llama is Louie.

Rory: Louie? Giggles. Louie the Llama!

Macauley; shaking his head. Don’t mind them they are silly like that sometimes. He smiles.

The family pet the animals and learned a lot from Michael’s grounds keeper and zookeeper. Macauley and Michael talked a lot about many things and Michael showed him and his family everything about the animals and his home. Soon the sat down to an outdoor pic nic near the park and the children laughed and ran and played. Michael tossed the football with them a bit. Their parents watched in awe. Seeing Michael just doing simple things like tossing a football was interesting because of his status as a super star, they didn’t think he had the time to do so. It really opened their eyes to the real Michael Jackson and this made them happy. They really liked Michael a lot, felt he is a good man. Kind loving and gentle..

Macualey: I’ll race you Michael to the bumper cars!! Giggling

Michael and Macauley raced like a pair of kids. Both laughing and giggling.  All the Culkins rode in them and they played for hours. Michael was a gracious host. Then they rode the roller coaster and Ferris Wheel and the Octopus and Scrambler and finally the Carousel. Macauley and Michael because really close.

Michael. Did you all have fun today?

Macauley; Yes Michael I’d love to stay and have fun again tomorrow maybe watch a movie?

Kieran; Can we Michael?

Michael; giggles; Well if your parents say it’s okay?

Mr. Culkin; I okay with it.

Michael; Why don’t you all stay. I have a wing on the far side of the house set up like an apartment area with your own private entrance and everything.

Mr. Culkin. We don’t want to impose. Smiling but thank you Michael.

Michael; It’s no imposition at all I promise. I’d love to have you guys stay over the weekend. If you can. We can watch movies. I have two theaters. One for like family and childrens films then a smaller for more adult like R rated and adult situations with fighting in them Scary movies mostly though. It’s all up to you and your family. Smiling

Mr. Culkin. Well, looking at his children’s pleading eyes. Okay. Sure.

Michael and the Culkins watched a Disney Film called “Child Of Glass” and then the adults watched later, “Back to The Future and Nightmare on Elm Street.”

Michael went to sleep that night after reading some more fan mail and realiing that he had made a real true friend in Macauley. Although a child, wise beyond his years. Someone who would never judge him and be a true friend no matter what. It is true what people say..with a child's heart you find your truest of friends.  Macauley and Michael laughed so much that day. and shared so much. Michael told him why he does the things he does and Macauley told him what he felt that Micahel was a good man and would be a good friend to anyone no matter their age. This wamred Michael's heart so much. All he wanted was to see the man inside. See just Michael and his heart and knew that Michael was ecactly as he presented himself. kind loving and understanding full of love to give and share with the workd and help the children of the world. Michael closed his eyes and went to sleep happy to have Macauley as his friend.

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