Meeting Elizabeth Taylor

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The limousine pulls up in front of the house of one of the most glamorous and elegant ladies of Hollywood, Elizabeth Taylor. Michael was so nervous. He had no idea what should could want with someone like him. All he knew is he wanted to find out but was so nervous and the anticipation was really getting him. Michael looked out at the long driveway that was sheltered by trees and shrubbery, and rose bushes.  This opened into a huge circular oval. She had a fountain that was tiered where the water came out of the mouths of cherubs. It was rather exquisite and Michael liked it. The house itself was huge ad expanded out far and wide for a house in Beverly Hills. Three stories and balconies on three rooms in front and two on each side of the house giving it an old Victorian feel, a plantation feel, which Michael found unique in the city. The houses color was an eggshell and surrounded by flower plants and nice greenery. When the limousine stopped in front of the house Michael’s nerves were heighted. It was worse than his stage freight the first time he took the stage with his brothers at the Apollo. Michael licked his lips wiped his hands on his slacks did a quick check of himself to make sure that the make up to cover his Vitiligo was still in place and his hair wss neat. Checking his breath he was ready and stepped out of the limousine. Elizabeth’s driver turned to him and quietly whispered.

Driver; Don’t worry Mr. Jackson, Ms. Taylor is a big fan of yours and only wants to make the meeting more relaxed and private for you. She’s good people, you can be sure of that. He smiled.

Michael; licking his lips, T-thank you. Laughing nervously.

Suddenly the door opens and there she is Elizabeth Taylor herself.

Elizabeth Taylor;  MICHAEL!!! Do you mind if I call you Michael? I just love your music. People think an old bird like me can’t understand the younger generation.they forget, I was young once too, Winking at Michael.

Michael; though still a bit nervous, liked Elizabeth immediately. She Said what she felt and didn’t care who liked it or not. She was straight forward and true to her word he could tell. Giggling softly, You can call me Michael yes. Smiling wide and genuinely.

Elizabeth: Good because here we are all informal. Even my staff calls me Ms Elizabeth. Mrs Taylor is my mother thank you very much. Smiling  She reaches out hugs him tight and Michael hugs her back right there in the foyer of her front door. Michael was blushing now.

Michael; I am very happy to be here he says shyly in their embrace.

Elizabeth: let’s go of the hug and tells Michael, Oh you do blush easily don’t worry, not harm is ever meant here but I am straight forward with how I feel and what I say. You will never not know what I mean, or want. If something you do pisses me off, you will hear it straight from the source, Me. If something you do I absolutely love, you will hear it directly from me. No middle men or managers or his and her people it’ll always be straight from my lips to your ears. Taking his hand she pulls him gently into the house,

Michael immediately clasps his hand with hers, just that smallest gesture he felt at peace. He looked around at the décor and was impressed. Her art collection was like none he had ever seen. She had big beautiful ornate vases that carried an oriental motif. Her furniture was bright and cheery and the whole home had this homey feeling that immediately put one as ease. Michael felt so good her. It took him back to Gary, they homey feeling even in their small little four room home. Michael’s nerves were no longer bothering him he visibly relaxed and Elizabeth noticed and felt the change in his demeanor.

Elizabeth; See, I told you I don’t bite? Would you like anything to drink? Charles, can you see Mr. Jackson gets anything he wishes please?

Charles; Sure Ms. Elizabeth. Mr. Jackson anything in particular?

Michael; Giggling, Umm, some water for now would be nice.

Charles; Sure Mr. Jackson I’ll be right back with you water. Would you like Ice in it?

Michael;  Shrugs, It don’t matter but ice does sound nice. Smiling.

Charles: Coming right up. Smiling in return thinking I really like this young man. He leaves the room.

Elizabeth: So Michael, Tell me about Michael Jackson. I don’t mean the worlds Michael Jackson I mean the human being Michael Jackson. Smiling. Did you always want to do this? What are you likes, hopes and dreams.? Darkest secrets, biggest fears.

Michael smiled licked his lips Well, uh-

Elizabeth: Don’t worry anything you say will be between us. I know how the media gets They can be vicious and cruel and really suck ass!!

Michael; genuinely laughed at that. Yes, they can. Does it look like I sleep in a hyperbaric Chamber? I mean seriously?? Shaking his head.

Elizabeth: Oh I do it all that time, It helps me keep my girlish figure and good smooth skin. She pretends and shashay’s around the room in mocking fashion.  Then winks at Michael

Michael; laughs again. Oh I see. Well, I must say, I like what it’s done for you. He winks back at her. It was as if they were friends forever.

Elizabeth leads him out to a private patio and it’s decorated beautifully with flowers and plants, humming bird feeders and lots of wind chimes. Michael sits down at the table and they talk for hours. He tells her what she had asked of him and he asked her some pointed questions too. She was funny and silly and told him everything he wanted to know and more. The afternoon reminded him of how it was with Shae as children. Shae he thinks in his head and smiles.

Elizabeth noticed his far off stare and made a comment to tease him playfully, Am I that boring Michael?

Michael; blushing, Oh gosh no. Not at all. I was just remembering something from back when I was growing up in Gary. This easy peaceful feeling I have with you here, reminded me of someone special as children is all, he smile. Sorry, Continue Elizabeth.

Elizabeth;  Liz remember? Smiling, It must be someone very special to envoke sure a good memory and reaction from you. Care to share? I’m a good listener. She said reassuringly

Michael; blushing looking down. Her name is Shae Bryant. We were childhoon sweethearts of sorts. Nothing sexually of course  we weren’t that old the last time I saw her. She wanted to be the first Prima Ballerina from Gary Indiana, smiling and me. Well, here I am.  Licking his lips he told Elizabeth more. When he was done tears were in his eyes.

Elizabeth smiled handed him a tissue, That is so sweet Michael. I’m sure she remembers you. We always remember our first loves. She gets up and walks over hugging Michael.

Michael spent another 4 hours with Elizabeth. It was near 9 pm by the time he left her home. When they parted she hugged him tight and kissed his cheek. Michael of course blushed but at the same time felt relieved and at ease with Elizabeth  Both knew it the moment Michael arrived he would have the most staunchest alley and friend in her and she in him.  Heading back to Neverland his thoughts were all over the place reliving the day, the happiness and joy and sharing his own private pain and hers. They both had similar lives when it came to the entertainment industry and Hollywood, Both were fishbowl lives and everything they did or said judged in the media and eyes of the world

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