Chapter Three Fan Mail

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Michael turned all the lights on at the park and Neverland became a lit with all the glows and colors of the rainbow. He walked through the pathways and stopped at each ride. Soft smiles touched his lips at the memories of the children who had ridden these rides. The magic and wonderment in their eyes and faces. This filled his heart with so much love and joy. It always chased away his melancholy moods. Soon Michael was skipping happily through the park and rode his carousel his most favorite ride besides the roller coaster.

When he went back up to the house later that night he was very tired but he wanted to read some more mail. So he took about 50 letters and brought them to his bed to read.

Michael settled into his bed in his red silk pajama’s he had gotten as a gift from Elizabeth Taylor. Leaning against the pillows and head board he opened the first one. It was in a pink envelope and had cute decorations on the front. The letter was from a Samantha Parsons.

Dear Michael,

Thank you for the many hours of joy you have brought into my life with your music. I love you. My sister says you are really sexy. I don’t know about that I’m only 13 but I do think you are amazing.

Samantha Parsons

Michael giggled at that. Her sister says he’s sexy. He blushes and she said he’s amazing. This warmed his heart.

Opening another one that came from Russia from a Natasha Robolkov

Dear Michael.

You music speaks to the soul and heart of the Russian people. You have brought many of us such great joy and comfort. I was one of the children in the orphanage outside Kiev when you ere here 5 years ago. Thank you for your kindness. I am now living on my own in my own place and I am now studying to be a dancer because of you. I owe you everything I am now because of your love and compassion for us.

Natasha Robolkov

Michael felt tears prick his eyes over this one. He remembers that visit well. Walking in there and seeing the children having to double up in beds and had no clean sheets or very little food and medicines. Some had only 3 outfits to wear and one pair of shoes. By days end on his visit they had beds food, clothes medicines all the necessities they would need and funds to keep them operational for 5 year.

The next letter was in Spanish but it roughly translated to

My Dearest Angel Michael;

I love you. I wish you so much good things and joy in your life. You are very beautiful and I love to see you dance. I wish I could kiss you. Maybe one day I can. Until then I will dream of you and be happy that you are in this world.

Sylvia Gomez

Each letter made Michael smile and feel so loved and happy. He had to chuckle at the marriage proposals. And smiled at the poems. One went so far as to send him a wedding ring. An actual wedding ring. Michael blushed at that and was so flattered he put the letter aside on his night stand. The girl had given him her phone number and dhe decided he would call her to make her happy and thank her for her loving gift. He has always said he was married to his fans. This too made him laugh. 

After reading all of the letters and seeing in print the love that was felt around the world for him he felt at peace. His heart happy, reaching over he turned off his light and decided it was time to get some rest. The next day Michael decided he would start again with the mail sack. There was always so much that came and he wanted to read every letter. See every name touch and feel every heart that was put into the letters. These letters gave him solace and peace. They encouraged him and inspired him to keep going. To keep doing what he has been doing. They gave Michael courage and strength. Closing his eyes he sighed softly and fell asleep in his comfortable bed.

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