Evolution.. we change or we die

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All things change and all things evolve.  Life, people, personalities.. The only thing constant in our world and in our lives is change. 

As the weeks flew past we changed as well. From the beginning we established what we thought was a close to normal type of relationship. She was the aggressive one at first. I was content to let her be. Things moved at the pace she chose and I can't complain.  We were great together and we were happy with one another.

We shared a lot of secrets those first few weeks. One afternoon she had a break down. I have no idea what caused it and she has never said. Insecurities overcame her and she had a mini mental collapse. I sat through it with her, did my best to hold her hand through the hard parts and reassure. I have no idea how I did, but we are still together so I couldn't have been a total flop. There is something about a crying, vulnerable girl that will melt any guys heart.  The important thing is that we got through it together. Both of us side by side and it brought us closer. Reassured both of us and broke a few walls. (I'm still sorry about it [her])(It brought us closer, you shouldn't be at all sorry[him])

That first night sparked a lot of curiosity in both of us. We continued to tease and flirt. We wanted to repeat that first night but with the roles reversed. Neither of us said as much. Shyness and newness was still a big factor. We were still learning about one another.  We were more comfortable than we had ever been but like every one else, there is a lot of fear involved in this kind of thing. What if I don't meet her expectations. What if its a flop? What if.. oh my god .. she falls asleep? Now that would be humiliating, wouldn't it?

One Friday night it happened. It got late and the feeling of being close was overwhelming. "I want you" I told her.  "Take me then baka, I'm yours"
(I'm a Big tease [her])  Big pause as I search my poor melting brain in desperation, trying to figure out what to do and say next. I'm a slow starter and it was my first time. First times are always awkward.. first first times have to be the worst of all. Things got moving.. my finger moving as fast as I could get it to go. Unfortunately, my tablet and I have a hate you hate me relationship.  Picture many many misappropriate to the subject word substitutions and a score of misspellings. I hate that fucking tablet to this day.  Nothing will kill the mood quicker than waiting 10 minutes for the next line of a sexting session, and then when it finally arrives its full of grammar, spelling and dropped or missing words. 

The poor girl. She stuck with me as long as she could.. but.. in the end she fell asleep. Arghh.. the worst imaginable outcome..I was totally humiliated.( it wasn't his fault, I love sleep [her])

The next night we tried again.  "I want you" I tried out on her hopefully. I don't know what happened next or how. Her response floored me and changed the flavor of our relationship for ever more. "Take me master, I,m yours" she replied. [Maybe I'm too much of a tease?[her])(Tease all you like babe, I love it[him])

Okay.. that was.. unexpected. But damn, just damn! ( XD[her]) Talk about motivating. Again an awkward pause while my thought went places they had never been for and my brain shifted into overdrive. Adrenalin, motivation, extreme hornyness, what ever, my finger flew ([him]Yes, I know that its lame that I can only type with one finger on my tablet).( Nah [her])

Things moved along much better.  We established some ground rules and finally, success! I was then and still am the slowest typist on record. No matter, she stayed awake and it all worked out. No, I don't know how I did. If you want to know that you will have to ask her in the comments below and if she chooses to answer, the Gods blessed you.  However, like I said before, her response repeated often that night was "Yes master" and the relationship took a giant leap forward on our evolutionary scale. (I was nervous[her])More on that later.  If you really want to know how it all ended, it hasn't. We are still finding our way. So,  read on brother or sister because there is more to come. 

As always, comments and questions are welcome. I might answer or I might not. She may choose to answer a few too if you are lucky. Until next time.... later ya'all.

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