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"It's terrible out there Elle. Just terrible."

You swallowed the lump in your throat and kept listening.

Bucky shook his head. "The things I've seen. It's just..." he drifted in thought.

You touched his arm gently,"It's okay. You're here now. Enjoy it while you can."

He nodded,"I go back in two days. They gave me an option. Stay in the bunks for 3 days or come home. I couldn't have packed my bags any quicker."

You laughed. "Well anytime we get with you is a blessing."

"Elle." Bucky said in a serious tone causing you to stop.

He had a look on his face.

"What is it Buck?"

"The kid can't go out there. He'll die."

You knew that was true too.

"I told you, he didn't listen to me."

He shrugged,"There's gotta be some way. He wouldn't last a week."

"He isn't to happy with me right now. I'm not too sure he'd been keen on listening." You two continued walking as your house was in the shortening distance.

"Tell me what happened Elle. Steve adores you. Its not like him to fight."

You almost smiled.

"Let me rephrase. He wouldn't want to lose you. Fighting with you isn't something he'd do."

You sighed,"I kinda started the fight?"

He raised an eyebrow.

"I just...I'm so sorry Buck." You bit your lip as your voice cracked.

Don't cry. Don't cry.

"I still didn't tell him where I worked."

He let out a disappointed sigh. "Elle-"

"I know. I should have told him. But he was so happy. We were so happy. I didn't want to ruin it. Now I'm in too deep. I love him. He'd be disgusted with me. Absolutely disgusted."

You could see Bucky shake his head in your peripheral vision.

"I'm not disgusted by you."

You still didn't look at him,"You aren't?"

"No. I mean, why would I be?"

"Besides the obvious me dressing and acting promiscuously to get money?"

"I know you Elle. I know what kinda of person you are. You're not that kind of girl. For whatever reason that is where you work but it's not who you are. You're smart and funny and kind and classy. Steve knows that too. You gotta do what you gotta do. That's how it is sometimes. He'll understand and he'll love you more for telling the truth."

"You better be right Barnes."

He laughed,"I usually am."

You both stopped in front of your house.

"Come by and see me tomorrow. And you and Steve can talk then. Tonight you both just need to calm down and realize how much you miss each other. Tomorrow will be better."

He pulled you into a tight hug and kissed your cheek.

"I missed you too little bug." He said with a smile.

Just a small little update to hold you guys over hopefully. Hope you like it. Comment, tell me what you think.

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