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Proceed with caution

You gloomily walked back home dragging your feet all the way.

Once you got home you slipped out of your heels and coat and carried them to your room.

"Steven what are you doing here?" You asked once you saw him sitting on your bed.

"You were mad at me." He stated.

You put your stuff down and looked at him.

"Yes. I was."


You rolled your eyes.

"You were looking at another girl Steven. When I was taking you, you didn't even look at me."

He stayed silent.

"Do you know how much that hurt? To physically see you ogle at another woman?"

You sighed,"Just go Steven."

"No." He firmly stated.

You were in no mood to argue or protest you you turned away to head to the bathroom.

He caught your arm.

"I looked away from you because you were too tempting. I wanted to take you in the back and.." he stopped once he noticed your face turning red. "I know you're a virgin and I don't want to push you but sometimes you just look so irresistible."

You nervously bit your lip.

"Especially when you do that." He added and wrapped his arm around your waist and kissed your lips. "You shouldn't be worried. I love you more than anything and I wouldn't want to be with anyone else. You're all I think about. Ever."

You smiled,"I was being silly wasn't I?"

He laughed,"A little but it's okay."

You nodded and bit your lip again,"Steven." You took a deep breath. "I think I'm ready."

He thought for a second,"You mean to..make love?"

You nodded. "Yes Steven. I want you. I need you."

You leaned in to kiss him but he placed a finger to your lips.
"Are you absolutely sure?"

You almost rolled your eyes but you smiled instead."Yes!"

"Can you come by my house in three hours?"

You raised an eyebrow.

"I want it to be perfect for you. Everything has to be perfect. It'll be something you won't forget."

You blushed. "Okay. I can come by in three hours."

He kissed your face a million times,"Great. I'll see you then, be careful okay?"

You nodded and squeezed him tightly before he exited the room.

Hours later you found yourself walking to Steve's house.

The sun was setting and the colors played beautifully with the sky.

Once you arrived your saw a note on the door.


You smiled and grabbed the paper and opened it up.

You look beautiful. You always do. I know you may be nervous but don't worry. We don't have to do anything you don't want to. I love you and I want to make you comfortable and happy. Now ring the door bell and put on the blindfold. Haha.

You smiled, did as instructed and stood patiently.

The door soon opened.

"You do look beautiful." Steve spoke.

He took your hand,"Relax." He added. "I'll take care of you. Come on."

He led you into the house making sure to close the door behind you.

"Just breathe baby." He coaxed.

You both walked a few more steps before you stopped.

You were in his room.

"You ready?"

You nodded.

He took off the blindfold and saw tiny candles littering the room along with a sweet smelling candle and flowers you can tell he picked on his way home.

Tears welled in your eyes.

No one has ever done something like this for you.

You've had boyfriends before but they've all been scum bags.

Steve was the first guy to really appreciate and love you. He would show you how he felt rather than just tell you. He took his time with you.

"Ste- I-" you fought back tears.

"Oh no. I'm sorry Elle. Is it too much? Are you nervous? We don't have to d-"

You cut him off by harshly placing your lips on his.

A minute later after you pulled away you smiled breathlessly at him.

"I love you so much Steven. This is the most selfless and endearing thing anyone has done for me. Thank you."

"Thank you for putting up with me." He smiled,"I can be hardheaded and a bit of a troublemaker but you deal with all of that. I couldn't be happier."

You pulled him in for another kiss. This time it grew sensual.

His arm snaked around your waist and pulled you into him.

You hands landed on his small but toned chest and arm.

The kiss advanced and his hands started to roam everywhere; your arms, hair, waist, and back until it landed firmly on your bottom. Steve gave it a soft squeeze as you blushed heavily.

He pulled away to let his lips explore.

He kissed the corner of you lips as a farewell to them before kissing down to you jaw and neck.

He kissed and sucked gently on the tender skin there causing you to moan quietly while strengthening the grip you had on his arm.

Steven then backed you up to the edge of the bed where you took that as a hint to get on it.

He pulled away as you laid back nervously on the bed.

"Remember we don't have to do this is you don't want to."

The corner of your mouth twitched up in a slight smiled before you bit you lip, grabbed onto Steve's shirt and pulled him on top of you.

Brooklyn - Pre-serum Steve Rogers Where stories live. Discover now