
341 10 5

~Harry ~

It's been 20 min. And we haven't found her. How far could she have gone? Cant be very far.

"Louis!" I hear Liam call, which was followed by running foot steps. I run over to cause I know it must be important. When I get there Liam is holding something in his hand.

"Her Jeans." Louis said. "With blood on them."

"Louis, at least it's not her body." Liam said. Louis flinches and his body becomes stiff. He walks away mumbling to himself. What is his problem? Why does he care so much? He must like her so something. I tense at my thoughts and become angry. They were going to tell me whatever it was soon but I wanna know now.

"Louis! What the hell is your problem? Why do you give a shit about her? You act like your dating her but your not! I love her, she mine!" I basically scream at him. He freezes, balls up his fists and turns around to face me slowly. He's standing about 10 feet away, but so show him I wasn't playing around, I ball up my fist and walk straight up to him. I could tell I touched a nerve but I don't care he's been poking at mine for a while.

"Guys. I think we should go in. Its getting late." Liam said hesitantly.

"NO!" Louis and I both yell at the same time. We both turned our heads toward Liam. He looked a little scared. 

"Im not going in till i find her!" Louis yells.

"Why do you fucking care!?" I asked. Im going to get an answer. Louis sighed. He relaxed a little. He looked down. Few seconds later he lifts his head. I look in his eyes and saw tiredness. 

"I looked i wanted to tell Aria first but i realized that if i want thing between us to be good i have to tell you. Shes...." What he said next made my head start spinning. How could this be?



Jacob stood there staring at me. Did i have something on my face?

"No. Well you did but it jumped off when it saw me."  Jacob said smirking. I blushed, knowing what he was referring to. So awkward.

"Im Aria." I half smiled. Then i got hit with a little dizziness. He nodded. He looked over at Austin who's cheeks were still red, from being caught kissing me. I cant believe that just happened. Im mean he a really good kisser but still. I guess from the blood loss im not thinking straight.Everything starts to get dizzy and blurry. I start to loss my balance. I try and walk to the chair in front of me, but i completely lose my balance and my legs give out. I wait for the impact of me and the ground. But i doesn't happen. I find my self in a pair of strong arms. I hear muffling of voices. I look up to see a blurry version of Austin. He was at someone to get something. Most likely Jacob.



 Omg! They both pass out!!! Holy shit! Lolz! 


Kidnapped. (Harry Styles FanFic) ~ON HOLD~Where stories live. Discover now