Chapter 14

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Alaina's POV

"EVERYONE WAKE UP AND GET CHANGED! WE ARRIVED AT OUR HOTEL AND SURROUNDED BY FANS! YOU GET 20 MINUTES TO GET READY!" Bart said loud through the microphone. I groaned and opened my eyes. I turned my body around and was now facing Cameron. "Babe we need to get ready" I said sofly and pecked his nose. He wrapped his arms around me tighter and pulled me closer. "Cameron come on baby" I said giggling and kissed his neck. He groaned and opened his beautiful brown eyes. "Morning baby" I said making him smile. He stretched and looked at me deeply in my eyes. I looked down to his lips and back up to his hazel eyes. I felt his lips against mine quickly and ofcourse I kissed back. After a few seconds I pulled back and sat up straight. I stretched my arms and stood up. "Come on lazy ass" I said and held out my hand to help him getting up. "Yes get up Cameron" Mahogany said behind me making me giggle. "Goodmorning guys" I said while everyone was walking around. "Morning Ally." Aaron and Carter while getting into the bathroom. Cameron got up and I grapped a outfit. I quickly grapped high waisted denim jeans and a simple grey shirt. I will change into comfy clothes when we are in the hotel. I put my hair in a high ponytail and applied some make-up. "ONLY 5 MINUTES LEFT, HURRY UP EVERYONE." We heard Bart through the microphone. I grapped my bag and we all made our way to the front of the bus. "We all need to stay together. There are many fans outside and we want nobody to get hurt. Follow the body guards and stay together!" Bart said and the door of the bus opened. Fans were everywhere screaming our names holding out their phone to take pictures. Shawn and Taylor first got out. Others followed them. Now I walked out and felt a arm around my waist. I looked around and saw Cameron holding me close while we got out of the bus. "Hold my hand tight and do not let go" he whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek. "ALAINA! CAMERON! MADISON!" Everyone was screaming while we all slowly followed the bodyguards to the opening of the hotel. Bright lights of all the camera's blinded my eyes and I hid my face in my jacket.

Cameron pulled me closer to his side to make sure I would be safe. "ALAINA! ALAINA!" People screamed. I looked up and smiled at some of my fans. "CALAINA FOREVER!" Some fans screamed making me smile. Cameron let go of me and took some pictures with his fans. I walked to some girls and started to take some selfies with them too. "Alaina I love you!" A girl screamed and started crying. I pulled her into a hug and whispered "I love you too" in her ear. I pulled back and tried to walk back to the crew until I felt a sharp pain. Someone pulled my hair roughly and I fell down on my knees holding my head. "STOP! LET ME GO!" I screamed in pain. A bodyguard saw what was happening and run to me blocking all the fans. I looked up at all the mad girls screaming rude things making me cry harder. "ALAINA!" I heard some scream. Someone helped me up and turned me around quickly. It was Matthew and he wrapped a arm around me and helped me to get past everyone. I closed my eyes tight and felt myself being pulled away from Matthew making me scream. "PLEASE STOP HURTING ME. PLEASE STOP" I screamed. "Baby don't worry, It's me Cameron" he said softly and pulled me into a hug. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist hiding my face in his neck. We entered the hotel and Cameron put me down. "Alaina are you okay?!" Everyone asked me and I just said there on a chair looking around with tears in my eyes. "Babe I should have never let go of you. I am so sorry." Cameron said and looked down. "Cameron It is not your fault. Alaina how do you feel?" Bart asked me and sat next to me. "I am alright, just in shock." I said and he nodded with a small smile. "I got your bag, a fan gave it to me." Jack Johnson said and gave it to me. "Thank you" I said and stood up. Cameron interlocked our hands and we walked to the elevator. I smiled at him and he kissed my cheek.

We got into the elevator and waited. The doors opened and we walked to our rooms. I entered my room with Priscilla, Mahogany and Matthew. I sat down on my bed and layed my body down. I left someone lay next to me. I turned my face and saw Matthew. "Hey Matt" I smiled and he smiled back. "How are you?" He asked worried. "I am doing fine, thank you so much for helping me getting away from those people." I said to him and sat back up straight. "Everyone in the crew needs to be safe and we all will be here for you Alaina" he sat back up and kissed my cheek making me blush. "Thanks" I said with a small smile. I grapped some comfy clothes out of my bag and walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and looked at myself. I am a mess. I washed my face and took off my clothes. I put on a simple white shirt and gray comfy shorts. My ponytail was already a mess so I pulled my hair out of my ponytail and braided a side fishtale braide in my hair. Looks much better. I looked at myself on last time in the mirror and left the bathroom. "Alaina your coming to Cameron and Nash's room? Everyone is there hanging out and Cam wants to see you." Mahogany said and I nodded smiling. I grapped my phone and we walked out of our room. I unlocked my phone and saw I had 132 messages. 67 of Cameron ofcourse "Babe are you coming to my room?" "The whole crew is here" "baby I miss you" and many more making me giggle. 23 messages of Maggie and 42 of the other people of the crew telling me to come. I shook my head giggling and we knocked on their door. Madison opened the door and we walked in. "Hey guys!" Nash said and walked up to Priscilla. He whispered something in her ear making her laugh. They would be so adorable together. Out of no where someone picked me up and spinned me around. "Cameron" I laughed while he spinned me around laughing. "Hey baby" he said and kissed my nose. "Well they are tired" I laughed and pointed at Shawn and Sammy sleeping on Hayes's bed.

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