Chapter 4

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(During the time at the guild)

"Hey, Natsu! Can I talk to you over there?" Lissana asked

"Uh, sure.." I stood up and she grabbed my arm, pulling me to an unknown destination.

When we stopped moving, nobody was around us.

"So, what's up Liz?" I asked, staring at her puzzled

She looked up at me and smiled.

"You know when we were younger and we said that someday we'd get married?" She asked

I nodded my head

"Well, I was thinking that we should get together! You know, like be boyfriend and girlfriend!" She clapped happily at her idea.

I raised my brows. 'What?!'

"Uh..well, y-you see.. I...."

She put her finger over my lips.

"Okay okay okay, I know I'm kinda asking a lot, but just here me out, okay?"

I rolled my eyes, but listened to her speak. When she was done listing off why we should be together, I butted back in.

"But Liz, the thing is, that was a crush I had when I was younger..I don't feel that way anymore...actually, if I think back on it, I just really enjoyed playing house with you.."I said softly.

'I may not have a crush on her anymore, but she is my childhood friend..I don't want to hurt her feelings..'

She nodded slowly, taking in what I just said.

"Okay..well, then can I at least get one more thing?" She asked

I nodded, unaware that she had moved closer to me and pressed her lips against mine. Shocked, I did not move. When I finally regained my senses, I pulled her away from me.

"What do you think your doing?!" I asked angrily

Before I got the chance to scold her, I suddenly caught a whiff of Lucy's scent. I looked to my side and saw her staring at us, tears running down her cheeks and making her eyes red. When she noticed that I saw her, she turned and started to run away.

"Lucy!" I called out

I started to run after Luce, leaving behind Lissana. When I got to the guild hall, I saw the girls still sitting at the table, except Luce wasn't there. They all looked concerned, which lead me to believe that she had ran through here, and possibly out of the guild.

I saw that Happy was still sleeping on the spot were Lucy was previously sitting at.

"Hey can you guys keep an eye on Happy?" I asked quickly

"Sure.." They nodded.

With out wasting more time, I quickly ran towards the doors, opening them and running after Lucy. My feet hit against the ground as I tried to run after her.


I got to her apartment building that she ran into, but she had locked the doors. I took a step back and looked for another way in. 'She never locks the window..'

I climbed up the siding and opened the window, climbing in and onto the floor. I slowly crept into the kitchen, were I saw her quickly stand up.

The only light came from the moonlight that was shining through a window. I felt absolutely awful for somehow making her cry. A million questions went through my brain.

I ignored them and moved closer to her. She told me that she wanted to be alone, but I can't leave her alone like this.

"Luce.." I started, trying to think of something to say.

I didn't know or could find words that I could use, so I tried to grab her hand or something. She dodged my movement swiftly and tried to make me leave again. But again, I refused.

"Come on Luce..Please..just, let me explain"

   My throat began to get awfully sore, and my eyes started to tear up. I tried to move towards her again, but ended up tripping on something in the darkness. I tumbled downward, accidentally taking Luce down with me. I was over her, my head over her's.


    She had turned her head to face away from mine, which made me cry even harder. 'She won't even look at me..' The tears moved even faster, my cheeks getting puffy by the salty moisture.

   She turned and looked towards me, eyes widening. 'Did s-she notice that I'm crying?!' I was going to try and wipe my face, when she grabbed me. She pulled me into a hug, my arms and legs collapsed under the force of gravity.

    I moved onto my forearms to try and not crush her, but enjoyed the embrace. She was holding me against her chest. Her heart beat lightly thumping in a slightly quickened pace. I could hear that she was still slightly crying. My tears were still there, but were beginning to fade. I didn't notice how tired I was..

   I yawned and felt my eyes close, turning into the darkness that seeped around me.

POV: Lucy

   6:37 am ( Next day)

  My alarm clock started to recite its usual call. My eyes drifted open, and my first sight was the ceiling. I quickly sat up remembering what had went on last night, and saw that I was in my room on my bed.

    'Wait..did I just dream that?'I looked around and didn't see anything.. Except for a little slip of paper?

   I picked it up, and brought it closer to my face so I could read it.


When you wake up, I just wanted to explain to you what had happened. See, I was talking with Liz, and she suddenly asked something about me and her being together. I told her that I didn't like her like that anymore, but she gave me a kiss that I had no intention of having. I'm really sorry for making you cry, but come by the house when you wake up and we'll do something  fun today!
                                  ~Natsu 🙂'

   I smiled at the letter. 'I'll go see them..'

   I let out a long sigh. I put the letter back on my night table and stood up. I decided to take a shower before I do anything, so I went over to my bathroom and started to strip and get ready for today.

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