Chapter 11

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POV: Natsu

"O-oh.. Well, I-I just wanted to thank you later!" I quickly turned and sped walked back to the guild hall. Happy saw me walking quickly and flew over to me.

"What'd ya find out?" He asked with a smirk.

    We sat down at a table in the corner of the guild where no one was at.

"She said that she had some drinks, but she wasn't drunk." I told him.

He grinned and leaned back into the chair. "Yup, I knew it.." He crossed his arms and looked pleased.

"Well... Either way I'm going to tell her how I feel about her. b-but just not right now..." I mumbled.

"Sure ya are.." Happy laughed.

"S-shut up cat!" I stood up and shoved my hand into my pockets. 'I think I'm going to go think for a bit...' I looked back at Happy who took out his fish and took a bite out of it.

"Happy, I'm going out for a bit, okay?"I told him.
"Yeah, you go do that." He said with his mouth full. I turned and headed to the guild halls doors.

POV: Lucy

  I stood dumbfounded in the hallway where Natsu left me. My cheeks were still tinted pink as I watched him run off back to the guild. 'Crap..he remembers..' I sighed and put my hand over my face. 'Of couse..'

    I turned around and went into the guild hall. As I entered, I noticed Natsu leaving. 'Did I do something?!' I went over to Mira and sat back in my seat.
"Wow girl, what you say to him?" She chuckled.

" I said nothing! He thanked me for helping him last night, then asked me a question! And that was it!" I mumbled.

"Well, what'd he ask?"
    My cheeks turned pink again and I looked off to the side. " well...... He asked me if I had any drinks last night..."
" and?! What'd you tell him?!" She leaned over the counter with an excited grin.

"I told him that I had some drinks..but I wasn't drunk-"

"He asked you 'cause he wanted to see if you remembered last night!!" She chuckled

"How do you come up with these things?" I shook my head. She laughed and grabbed my cup, placing it in the sink.

"I just know these things😏"

     I stood up and pushed in my seat. "Okay, well I'm going to go see Levy.." She nodded and I walked away to where I saw Levy sit down. She helped Cana in and they were sitting down in the corner of the guild.

"Hey guys, everything okay?" I asked the miserable looking Cana and the worried looking Levy.

"...." Cana sighed and picked up her beer mug, taking a swig before wiping her mouth. "Kind of..."

    I looked at her confused and looked to Levy. Levy looked like she already knew what went on, and pulled me to sit next to them. "Last night, Juvia was walking Gray home... But he pulled away from her and dashed towards the Fairy Hills apartments...." Levy started.

Cana set her head against the table and groaned. "Okay, so what happened?" I asked.
"Well...Cana went home drunk before Gray and Juvia left, and went to her room in the Fairy Hills to take a shower. While she was in their, Gray had gotten in through her window...."

'Sounds like a certain dragon slayer to me...' I thought. Levy sighed and rubbed Cana's head. "Cana was drunk, and he was drunk...they ended up sleeping together, if you get my drift-" levy was interrupted by Cana slamming her fist on the table, scaring both myself and Levy.

"The problem isn't that I slept with him, it's that he doesn't even care!!" She screamed.

She must have not noticed how loud she was, 'cause her voice had bellowed through the guild. Everybody was now looking at our table with shock. Gray, who was drinking something in a mug, looked over at us as well with shock and a clear blush spread across his face.

Cana covered her mouth and slammed her head against the table again. "Why did I say that out loud...." She mumbled. The guild turned their attention back to what they were doing, but Gray kept looking in our direction. More specifically at Cana. I could see that he was staring at her, and that he probably felt bad. He was still blushing but resumed to drink what was in the mug. When he was done he stood up and walked over to us.

"Hey..Cana, can I talk to yo-" Gray was interrupted by Cana throwing her beer container at his head.
"Suck on that you ass!!" She said angrily.

An ice-make needle broke the bottle before it could reach him. "Cana, I just wanted to apologize..." He said lowly. Cana stood up and walked up to him, slapping him across the face.

"No, you know what? I don't want your stupid apology!" She huffed, then started to smile, tears coming from her eyes. "And to think that I actually liked you, but your just like the rest of those stupid-minded guys...drunk and ignorant, but never even caring about what happened? Why did you want me not to tell anyone?! That's what I want to know! Why were you so quick this morning to tell me to keep this a secret?! Do you regret it?! Do you not care..."

Their was a moment of silence. Cana was catching her breath, Gray stood dumbfounded, and everybody else in the guild like at them in aw. "I'v always cared about you, Gray.. I wasn't even all the way drunk last night, and when you snuck into my room I thought it was a dream. But now I think it was a nightmare..." More tears threatened to fall as she repeatedly and lightly hit her fists against his chest, her head hung low as she cried.

He grabbed her wrists and she struggled to get away. He quickly let go of her and pulled her against him. She cried harder and he hugged her tighter. I could see that he was also crying.

"I only told you not to tell anyone, because I figured you wouldn't want anyone to know..." He said softly. Cana stopped crying an wiped her tears. They stayed in the embrace for what seemed like forever. Levy and I just watched, tears of happiness flowing down our cheeks.

"This is like a fricken soap opera.." Levy chuckled. "I know right?"

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