Chapter 9

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   My eyes widened at the memory of me and Lucy kissing. I lightly touched my lips with my fingers. 'We..we kissed..' My heart beat increased and I slowly lowered my hand.

"Natsu?" Happy asked

"Hm? Oh, uh, no. Nothing h-happened.." I stuttered nervously

   He smirked and summoned his wings, flying up close to my face and looking at me. After a few seconds, he moved back and crossed his arms

"You kissed Lucy didn't you?" He smirked

I gulped and tried to deny him.


   He interrupted me.

"Natsu, your blushing and you just touched your lips. When I mentioned Lucy, you turned darker red. It's quite obvious that while drunk, you kissed Luce. "

   He then flew higher above me and spread his arms out.

"Which means you told her didn't you, I'm so proud!!" He cheered.

"A-actually..I didn't tell her yet.." I said softly.

   His face grew dull and disappointed, but after a minute of silence, his mouth formed into a grin.

"Butttt-, you did kiss her... Did she kiss back?" He asked

I thought back to my memory's of last night.

'A few moments into the kiss and I felt her watch soften, even stop, which meant that she had fallen into it. Her hand moved up to my cheek and she kissed back!'

"Y-yeah..s-she did..why?" I nervously looked up at him

He started to laugh hysterically and floated back onto the ground, clutching his stomach.

"Hey, what's so funny?!" I crossed my arms and looked down at him with an agitated expression.

"...HAHAHAHA! And you were worried that she didn't like you back.." He cackled, pointing up at me.

I looked at him confused, but scoffed and went over to my dresser.

"What are you even talking about?" I asked, pulling out some red shorts.

I dressed into them and put on my vest.

"If she kissed back, that means that she lllloooovvveeesss you!!!!!!!" He rolled the love with his tongue and skipped past me into the living room.

"Well.. I-I guess..maybe she does?"

'Wait...does she?! I need to find out.'

"Well let's get going then Natsu! Lucy said that she'd meet us at the guild!" Happy then started to run out the door.

"Hold on!" I called out, getting on my second shoe and chasing after the blue exceed.

He skipped down the side walk as I tried to catch up to him, and felt that it was now lightly raining out. Happy must have felt the rain too because he immediately ran back to me and flew under my vest.

"I forgot about the dreadful rain.." He wined

    I chuckled and kept walking. After a little bit, the clouds were pushed back and revealed the bright sun.

"There ya go little buddy, the rains gone!" I grinned.

   He flew out of my vest and onto the road.

"Yay!" He cheered, marching next to me again.

   I lightly chuckled as we walked. After a bit we finally made it to the guild. I opened the guild hall doors and we went inside. When I got in and the doors closed behind me, I looked around the guild.

Lots of people were passed out at tables, but the guild looked pretty clean. Mira must be cleaning. I looked in front of me to see a girl bent over in a short black dress lifting someone in front of her. I was about to suspect that they were Mira, when they stood up.


She lifted up the passed out person and put them at a table, wiping her head with the back of her hand when done. She was in a black frilled maids dress that went down to her thighs, and exposed most of her chest. Happy chuckled and elbowed my leg.

   I gave him a glare and continued to walk in. Mira and Lucy walked back to the bar and sat down. I was going to walk after her but saw Gray sitting alone at a table and decided to annoy him.

"Hey Ice breaker, how's your hang over?" I chuckled, sitting in front of him

   His face was partially blank, with a slight panicked look. He was nervously fiddling with his thumbs and looking down. I didn't realize it at first, but he's actually wearing a shirt?!

"Gray? What's wrong, something bit your tough?" I asked, starting to get a bit concerned.

   He tilted his head forward and put them in his hands.

"I...i..did something...last night, when Juvia was bringing me home..." He spoke lightly, making sure I could only hear.

"Oh yeah? Like what? Did you do something with Juvia?" I smirked

    He shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair. I raised my brow and before I could speak again, he revealed a dark ring on his collar bone.

"What's that, a bruise?" I asked

"What? No! It's a..hicky.." He quickly covered up the spot and put his hands on the table.

"What? Really?" I asked confused.

He nodded.

", who gave you this, hicky?"

   He looked down and bit his lip.

"Well..apparently I ran away from Juvia... I don't remember anything, but I woke up Cana's room at the Fairy Hills....and I was naked...she was too..." He sighed and wiped some sweat off his head.

    Their was a bit of quietness between us. 'Wow...Gray..and Cana? I always thought that Juvia would be his first, since she always obsesses over him and stuff...'

   I looked over worriedly at the ice Mage who is consistently ruffling through his black hair.

"Well..look, dude.. You'll get through this.." I reached over and patted his shoulder.

   He forced a smile and stood up, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah..thanks man..see you later.." He then walked past the table and to the guilds doors, opening and disappearing through them.

    I sighed and stood up. Happy had left me to go over and talk with Mira and Luce. I looked over and saw them all laughing about something.

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