Chaoter 8

309 16 1


   Instead of a usual sunny day, the sky was scattered with clouds. People walked past me holding umbrella's in their hands to hide from the rain, but I've always enjoyed the rain. Sure it's wet and soaks your clothes, but I love the cool crisp smell of condensation and the light pitter against my skin.

    Today was an excellent day for the rain, not to hot or cold, and the surroundings where humid instead of deathly dry. Not too many people were out walking along the streets of Magnolia, but the people who did looked very polite and friendly.

   A mother and her two sons, a grandmother and her granddaughter, man and a woman holding hands, all holding their umbrellas and wearing ponchos. My shirt was now getting kind of soaked, but it was fine. I happen to be in front of the guild now so I don't even have to walk any more.

   When I got inside the place was scattered with people passed out on the ground. Most with hang overs from last night. Mira was walking around cleaning up the mess so I decided to help her. Before I walked over to her, I saw Gray sitting alone at a table. He didn't look so good, so I decided to talk to him.

"Hey Gray, is everything alright?" I asked

His face showed that he was in deep thought. He didn't respond to me so I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder


He snapped out of his trance and kept his gaze from me.

"Yeah?" He asked

"Are you okay? You seem kinda out of it.." I removed my hand and looked at him.

He had sweat on his skin and his clothes. His hair was crazy and ruffled, looking like he just fought in a war.

"Y-yeah...I'm fine..." He sighed and hung his head a bit. "I just want to be alone for now.."

I looked at him worried, but nodded my head in understanding.

"Well, okay..but if anything a wrong, you have your friends to talk to." I smiled and tried to make him feel better. I patted his shoulder and walked by him, over to Mira who was bent down.

"Hey Mira! You need help?" I asked the Mage. She stood up after grabbing some bottles and gave me a smile.

"I would love some! Thanks Luc-" she stopped when she looked down at my shirt. "Uh..Luce..your shirt is wet and kinda..see through.." She coughed.

    I looked down at my clothes and saw what she meant. My shirt was now see through and was making my black lace bra visible. I quickly moved my arms over my chest and cursed under my breath.

"Now now, it's okay.. I have something that will do the trick!" She said excitedly and grabbed my wrist, dragging me to a room behind the bar.

   It was filled with boxes and books, and she grabbed out a black and white outfit.

"This used to be the old uniform I wore, but now that it has changed you can borrow it!" She smiled

   I nodded and started to get changed into the clothes she handed me. When I had it on, I blushed at what it was.

"Mira.. Is this.. A revealing maid uniform?" I wined.

  "That's what you would call it? Hmm.. I could see that.. But yeah, it is." She handed me a broom. "But it's perfect since you will be cleaning with me anyways!"

   I reluctantly followed her back out to the bar. I felt very out in the open with this on. It was a black frilled dress with white edges, exposing a lot of the chest and the skirt was extending down to my palm if I were to stretch my hands.

"Go on Luce!" She shooed me.

   I stumbled out onto the guild floor and sighed. 'Of course this happens to me when I'm nice..' I moved the broom and swept around me. I soon was finished sweeping half of the guild. My trash pile was quite large, containing empty beer containers, dirt, lint, and various of other things.

   I put it into my dust pan and through it in the trash. Mira had done the other half of the guild and now we were picking up some some people, moving them to sit at a table to sleep so they weren't on the floor. I was bending down to lift someone when the guild hall doors opened.

   I lifted the person up and using my strength I moved them onto a table next to me that Mira had just cleaned off.

"Hey Lucy, you wanna try a strawberry banana smoothie?" Mira asked and started walking towards the bar.


I quickly walked after her.

POV: Happy

(When first leaving Lucy's house)

   I was air marching while flying back to me and Natsu's house, singing a song.

"-and they all go marching down, to the ground, to get out, of the rain! Boom ba doom ba bo-" I was suddenly cut off by rain that started to come down.

   'Ugh.. I hate the rain!' I flew faster and made it to the house. I opened the door and moved inside. The house was quiet so I suspected that Natsu was still sleeping.

"Natsu?" I called out.

  I heard a small grunt from the bedroom and I ran towards it, opening the door and seeing a stretching Natsu.

"Good morning Natsu!" I cheered, walking in.

"Ugh..huh? Oh, good morning Happy.." He yawned and clutched at his head.

"Do we have any pain relievers?" He asked, standing up.

"Yeah, I think so.. Did you and Gray have a drinking contest again?" I asked, taking out a pill from the night table and handing it to Natsu.

"Yeah.. Ugh.. My head hurts so much.." He swallowed the pill and put on his chest.

   He had no pants on, and usually he wears comfy shorts to bed..

"Natsu, why aren't you wearing pants? Did something happen that I'm not aware of?" I asked and crossed my arms.


' I'm going to keep what happened last night a secret..I may not have liked what was happening, but I don't want Liz to get in trouble..'

   Surprisingly, I remembered everything from last night. Me getting drunk, Lucy helping me here, Liz..sitting on me.., Luce saving me, me kissing Luc-

   My eyes widened at the memory of me and Lucy kissing. I lightly touched my lips with my fingers. 'We..we kissed..'

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