Chapter 10

279 14 4

POV: Lucy

    Mira made two smoothies and we sat at the bar. She took hers in her hand.

"So.. What happened with Liz last night? I saw one of your spirits..uh, Virgo! Yeah. She brought Liz to my door at about 2 in the morning." Mira took a sip from her smoothie and turned her head to look at me.

"Uh...well...she was just.. Acting a bit off.. I won't go to far into details.." I chuckled nervously as I took a sip from my smoothie.

"Oh...okay, well.. Hope she didn't cause too much trouble.." She smiled and put her cup down. "Anyways, what happened with you and Natsu last night, huh? Anything Juicy?" She smirked and stuck out her tough.

      The thought of the kiss flashed through my mind.

"W-wha? What?! N-no...w.why?" I stuttered and shook my hands from side to side.

"Well, something happened!" She put her hand to her mouth and giggled, taking it back down and placing it on my shoulder. "Your cheeks are as red as cherries. If that doesn't mean that something happened, then I don't know what does."

    Panic flooded my body 

"Well...I...uh..I guess...s-something did... Kinda.. Happen..." I said so  quiet  to the point where a mouse couldn't even hear what I said.

"What did you say?" She asked

   I cleared my voice and spoke a bit louder, just making past a whisper.

"I said that, I guess something did happen..." I rolled my eyes, but before she could take what I said the wrong way, I butted in again. "N-nothing too crazy or anything!"

   She smirked and leaned in so we could whisper better.

"What kind of something then?"

    Thoughts and memories of last night flooded in. I had walked inside of Natsu and Happy's house and found Liz with Natsu.. I then got my keys and had Virgo take Lis out.. Then when I tried to leave again, Natsu stopped me and..kissed me..

"He might" I said very quickly

    Her face lit up and she excitedly clapped her hands.

"YEAH! NOW THATS W-" I quickly covered her mouth as she tried to announce to the world what we were talking about.

"Shh!" I shushed her.

    She nodded and I removed my hand.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" She whispered.

   I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah yeah yeah..but he was only drunk. That's all it was.." I sighed and brushed the small strands of hair out of my eyes.

She put her hands on her hips and raised her brow, smirking.

"Okay, I get that he was drunk and kissed you, but my question is....did you kiss back?"

Her question made butterflies swarm my stomach. How was I going to respond?


I bit my lip nervously.

"I didn't stop him....."

The words that came from my mouth were ever so silent. I was surprised that Mira could hear what I was saying this time.

"Ha....I told you that you love him!"

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