chapter seven

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harlem: why do I call these chapters? anywoo. I'm falling in love with You and me at six like whoa.. ignore me lmao


after first hour, I had to find a way to get to the second floor quickly before Bryan saw me. I came out of the room last while Vic and Mike already were gone to their next classes. Looking around nervously, I finally saw a flight of stairs and walked as quickly as possible without tripping over my feet. I put in my headphones in as I went down the stairs and cracked up Bite my tongue by You and Me At Six, tuning out the sounds of everybody else talking and moving. Every single person here reminded me of pigs in a slaugther house, begging and squealing to get out of this factory before they get sent to the kill floor. disgusting.

Stopping at my locker before I was off to French, I saw faniliar faces coming towards me

"ETHAAAAN!" Jaime and Mae were both waving their hands at me with wide grins while the boy from earlier that Mae was by was up against the wall, glaring at me. I smiled weakly and walked up to them, squeezing my way through the sea of pigs I mean people. Jaime reached out and pulled me by them by my wrist, laughing a little bit

"I thought i'd lose you there for a second!" he chuckled and let go of me. I was about to say something in return but I was interuppted by a tug on my backpack, nearly ripping off the head of Stich.

"Hey faggot!" bryan turned me around quickly and grabbed my shirt, pulling me off the ground by a few centimeters. My whole face turned white as a ghost and my throat closed up with fear.

"Oh god oh god oh god he's going to kill me oh god" I thought to myself as he continued to insult me, calling me weak and a waste of space. Jaime tried to pull me away from his grip but Bryan was easily 6 feet tall while Jaime was probably 5"5'

"Let him go you stupid jock!" he yelled, yanking at my shirt from behind. Mae tried kicking Bryan's groin but he simply pushed her away into the boy on the wall. He helped her up and procedded to yell at Bryan with rage. The whole room started spinning, Bryan's voice grew louder and louder until my ears started ringing so bad I felt like they were bleeding. Suddenly Bryan dropped me and fell to the ground, coughing up blood. When I hit the ground, I landed on my head with a thud and I stared up at the ceiling. I wanted to get up and see what happened but my eyes grew heavy and the world I knew turned dark

harlem: gasp who saved the day?

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